[comp.cog-eng] In search of an article...

moed@mars.ral.rpi.edu (Michael Moed) (11/21/89)

I am need of an article entitled

"Analyzing Cooperative Computation" by G.E. Hinton and T.J. Sejnowski

which appeared in:

Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Conference of the Cognitive 
Science Society, 1983. 

I think this conference was held in Rochester, N.Y.  To this date, 
my library has been unable to obtain these proceedings.

I will GLADLY pay any copying/postage expenses incurred.

Thanks in advance.


Michael C. Moed					moed@ral.rpi.edu
CII 8313, CIRSSE				(518) 276-8782
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Troy, New York   12180-3590