[comp.cog-eng] Help me compile a Public Domain HCI Bibliography

perlman@fox.cis.ohio-state.edu (Gary Perlman) (12/04/89)

If you have ever published a paper on human-computer interaction,
then please read on and respond to help compile a public-domain

Some months ago, I posted a description of the curriculum module
on user interface development that I compiled for the Software
Engineering Institute at Carnegie-Mellon University.  This module
has been revised to provide expanded coverage of general design,
task analysis, and measurement, and the teaching considerations
and annotated bibliography have been updated.  The annotated
bibliography now contains about 200 references of books (with
tables of contents), articles and reports (with abstracts), and
software tools.  There are also easy-to-scan features-tables
describing the topics for each entry.  Two tables have been
provided for the reference sources edited by Helander (Handbook
of Human-Computer Interaction) and by Salvendy (Handbook of Human

You may also recall that I have posted the tables of contents of
some reference sources (e.g., the Helander and Salvendy books
just mentioned). 

As part of a hypertext project, and in the best interests of
research in HCI, I would like to compile, in detailed form,
references on all work in human-computer interaction.  This
material, in online form, will be available via anonymous ftp,
and will also be distributed, on a non-profit basis, in other
forms, such as on the Mac and on PC's. 

I have the following requests, which should generate an
unbelievable amount of work for me, but only a little work from
you.  The result should be about 2000+ entries in online form. 

	That way, I should be able to automate, or at least simplify
	the data capture process by having a uniform submission format.

	Make suggestions about formats to me.
	How should this information be stored, accessed, distributed?
	I particularly want suggestions for ASCII submission formats.

AUTHORS (particularly of articles, book chapters, etc.):
	Send me bibliographic entries of your articles.
	You can save us a lot of typing time if you find an online version.
	Send me your reference entries and especially the abstract.
	If it is convenient, send me the reference section from your papers.
	Again, don't send them just yet, but get them off those old tapes
	and floppies (or even type them in again).

I would like to get complete entries from all the conference papers from:
	ACM SIGCHI conferences
	Computer Systems section of the Annual Human Factors Society meeting
	IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics conference
	ACM-sponsored conferences on computer-supported cooperative work
		 and Hypertext conferences
	relevant papers from SIGGRAPH
	INTERACT and IFIP conferences
and entries from journals/magazines, including but not restricted to:
	Human Factors
	IEEE Computer
	IEEE Software
	IEEE Trans. SMC
	Human Computer Interaction
	Int'l. Jl. Man-Machine Studies
	Behaviour and Information Technology
	Journal of Applied Psychology
	Cognitive Science
Obviously, this is ambitious, but it appears to me that WE, as a network
of connected colleagues, can accomplish a lot with many hands making
light the work.

Please post this message to other networks if you don't see it on them.

This is also an experiement in computer-supported distributed work.
I will be collecting data on types and timings of responses, and I
will post/publish the results of my analyses.  Again, feel free to
make suggestions about data to collect or analyses.

Name:  Gary Perlman               | Computer and Information Science Department
Email: perlman@cis.ohio-state.edu | Ohio State University, 228 Bolz Hall
Phone: 614-292-2566               | 2036 Neil Avenue Mall
Fax:   614-292-9021               | Columbus, OH 43210-1277  USA