[comp.cog-eng] request

S.Ross@ucl-cs.UUCP (12/07/89)

From: Simon Ross <S.Ross@uk.ac.ucl.cs>

In order for a wider distribution of cog-eng to the UK HCI
community the Human Computer Interaction Community (HICOM) would
like to be added to the list of recipients. HICOM is a
communications and information service run by volunteers as a
non-profit making organization. It operates on equipment
donated by DEC and is supported at Loughborough University.

To anyone out there who can make this possible could they
please add the delivery address


Please forward this message to the relevant people/organization
if you know who they are.

Further information, please contact

Simon Ross
Treasurer, HICOM.

Simon Ross
                Department of Computer Science
                University College London
                London WC1E 6BT

                JANET:  sross@uk.ac.ucl.cs
                or, Simon_Ross@uk.ac.loughborough.hicom
                ARPA :  sross@cs.ucl.ac.uk
                UUCP :  ...ukc!ucl-cs!sross
                UUCP :  mcvax!ukc!ucl!cs!sross
          BITNET/EARN:  sross%uk.ac.ucl.cs@ukacrl.bitnet