[comp.cog-eng] Social Knowledge Representation: Job offer in UK

acwf@doc.ic.ac.uk (Anthony Finkelstein) (12/08/89)

Research Assistant

Imperial College of Science, Technology & Medicine Department of Computing

Social Knowledge Representation: an anthropological perspective

A collaborative research project has been established by the Department of
Computing, Imperial College in conjunction with the Centre for Social
Anthropology and Computing, University of Kent and supported by the
ESRC/SERC/MRC Joint Initiative in Cognitive Science. The primary objective
of the project is to model complex multi-agent systems with a particular
focus on "exteriorised" knowledge structures such as culture, ritual and
institution, and related processes such as socialisation.

This project is a self-contained part of a long-term programme of research,
the goal of which is to design and develop formal means for describing
social behaviour and theories about that behaviour, and to make verifiable
predictions from these descriptions. In particular the project will: extend
and refine formal schemes for modelling complex multi-agent systems; use
these schemes to conduct detailed studies of the structure, use and
modification of knowledge in specific human social groups; analyse the
results of these studies and develop their implications.

This project aims to bridge between the traditional concerns and methods of
computer science and social anthropology in a novel and exciting way.

We are seeking to appoint a research assistant at post-doctoral level
(RA1A) to work on this project. Applicants will be expected to have proven
ability and interest in both computing/artificial intelligence and social

The research assistant will be primarily based at Imperial College, an
international centre of excellence in computer science, where the
appointment will be made, but will also be expected to spend some time at
the University of Kent. Overseas travel and fieldwork may also be involved.

The appointment will be made for 3 years at an appropriate point on the
research assistant 1A scale (10,458 - 16,665 + London Allowance) according
to qualifications and experience. Apply with a CV, the names and addresses
of two referees to Mrs Kim Harrison, Department of Computing, Imperial
College of Science and Technology, 180 Queen's Gate, London SW7 2BZ (tel:
01-589-5111 X 4988). Closing date for applications 8th January 1990.

We would be glad to discuss the research project, its objectives and other
research posts by telephone or electronic mail. Contact Dr. Anthony
Finkelstein at Imperial College (tel: 01-589-5111 X 7535; email: