[comp.cog-eng] when metaphor becomes reality

bob@MorningStar.Com (Bob Sutterfield) (12/06/89)

I stood   a cassette box  on  a  convenient ledge    in front of   the
lower-right corner of my  workstation display so that I  could see the
titles when the  cuts came around on  my  headphones.  Later,  I found
that the box was obscuring the contents of a window in that area of my
screen.  I used the mouse to bring  that window to  the front, and was
momentarily disappointed when it didn't obscure the  tape box.  Then I
realized with a  start that the  window probably wouldn't come all the
way to the front, no matter how many times I picked it.

A simple example  of momentary metaphorical  disorientation that shows
how far the mind  will stretch in its  attempt  to impose order on the
chaos around us...

rlh2@ukc.ac.uk (R.L.Hesketh) (12/06/89)

In article <BOB.89Dec5154524@volitans.MorningStar.Com> bob@MorningStar.Com (Bob Sutterfield) writes:
>A simple example  of momentary metaphorical  disorientation that shows
>how far the mind  will stretch in its  attempt  to impose order on the
>chaos around us...

Try cut-and-paste from a piece of paper to the screen and see how silly you
feel when it still won't work after a couple of attempts!

It would be interesting to note how many people edit on paper
the same way they edit in a WYSIWYG system .. do you cross out and scribble
in a vane attempt to overwrite something or do you rewrite from scratch?
Can "composing at the keyboard" ever be considered on par with simply
copying in from paper?  Whilst there is a certain amount of redundancy
involved here .. can we justify it by saying that the time spent writing
on paper includes much needed thinking time to coalesce our arguments?


reggie@dinsdale.nm.paradyne.com (George W. Leach) (12/08/89)

In article <3404@harrier.ukc.ac.uk> rlh2@ukc.ac.uk (Richard Hesketh) writes:

>Try cut-and-paste from a piece of paper to the screen and see how silly you
>feel when it still won't work after a couple of attempts!

    Ah, but I have seen people put a piece of paper on the screen with an
outline drawing on it.  Then they proceed to trace the outline on the
screen with the mouse, thus generating a digitized version.

George W. Leach					AT&T Paradyne 
(uunet|att)!pdn!reggie				Mail stop LG-133
Phone: 1-813-530-2376				P.O. Box 2826
FAX: 1-813-530-8224				Largo, FL 34649-2826 USA

barnett@crdgw1.crd.ge.com (Bruce Barnett) (12/15/89)

In article <BOB.89Dec5154524@volitans.MorningStar.Com>, bob@MorningStar (Bob Sutterfield) writes:

>A simple example  of momentary metaphorical  disorientation that shows
>how far the mind  will stretch in its  attempt  to impose order on the
>chaos around us...

I had the same problem when someone put a Post-It note on a monitor.

This gave me an idea for another project - A way to type in a note and
print it out, making the memo look like a window on a workstation.

You then cut out the window and tape it to someone's screen....

Bruce G. Barnett	<barnett@crd.ge.com>   uunet!crdgw1!barnett