(Ravi Gomatam) (12/20/89)
------- FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE -------- on the study of CONSCIOUSNESS WITHIN SCIENCE Feb. 17-18, 1990 Cole Hall, UCSF, San Francisco CALL FOR REGISTRATION ---------------------------------------------------------------- ORGANIZING COMMITTEE ADVISORY BOARD T.D. Singh Henry Stapp R.L. Thompson Karl Pribram Ravi Gomatam E.C.G. Sudarshan K.P. Rajan David Long ---------------------------------------------------------------- PURPOSE: In this century, developments in a variety of fields including quantum physics, neuro sciences and artificial intelligence have revealed the necessity for gaining an understanding of the nature of consciousness and its causal interplay in the study of even matter. The present conference will examine the the methodological tools and problems in the study of consciousness from the perspective of a wide range of scientific fields. Prominent scholars will share and discuss their research through invited presentations and question and answer sessions. The discussions will focus on the role of consciousness as a vital component of the scientific investigation of the natural world. INVITED PRESENTATIONS INCLUDE: NEW CONCEPTS ON THE MIND-BRAIN PROBLEM JOHN ECCLES Neurosciences, Switzerland Nobel Laureate A QUANTUM THEORY OF CONSCIOUSNESS HENRY STAPP Theoretical Physics, Lawrence Berkeley Labs. BRAIN STATES AND PROCESSES AS DETERMINANTS OF THE CONTENTS OF CONSCIOUSNESS KARL PRIBRAM Neuropsychology, Stanford University CONSCIOUSNESS: IMMANENT OR TRANSCENDENT? ROBERT ROSEN Biophysics, Dalhousie University USE OF CONSCIOUS EXPERIENCE IN UNDERSTANDING REALITY BRIAN JOSEPHSON TCM Group, Cambridge University Nobel Laureate WAVE MECHANICS OF CONSCIOUSNESS - ROBERT JAHN Engineering Anomalies Group, Princeton University ENGINEERING ANOMALIES RESEARCH - BRENDA DUNNE Engineering Anomalies Group, Princeton University SPONTANEITY OF CONSCIOUSNESS: A PROBABILISTIC THEORY OF MEANINGS AND SEMANTIC ARCHITECTONICS OF PERSONALITY - V. NALIMOV Mathematical Theory of Experiments, Moscow State University EVOLUTION AND CONSCIOUSNESS A.G. CAIRNS-SMITH Molecular Chemistry, Glasgow University PATTERNS IN THE UNIVERSE E.C.G. SUDARSHAN Theoretical Physics, Univ. of Texas, Austin WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE PHILOSOPHY OF MIND? JOHN SEARLE Cognitive Philosophy, U.C., Berkeley A TRANS-TEMPORAL APPROACH TO MIND-BRAIN INTERACTION R. L. THOMPSON Mathematical Biology, Bhaktivedanta Institute, SF BIOLOGICAL COHERENCE--CONNECTIONS BETWEEN MICRO AND MACRO PHYSICS H. FROHLICH Theoretical Physics, University of Liverpool __________________________________________________ Participation is by registration. Besides these invited talks, there will be question/answer sessions, panels and a poster session. The program format will afford registered participants ample opportunity for interaction with the distinguished guests. Early registration is encouraged. REGISTRATION FEE: $125.00 before January 15, 1990; $75.00 Full time students (limited seats) [Fee includes luncheon on both days] $150/$85 after January 15. To register, please send check/money order (in U.S. dollars only) drawn in favor of the Bhaktivedanta Institute to the conference secretariat. Please include name, address, institutional affliation and research interests (if any) of the registrant. CALL FOR PAPERS: While all oral presentations are by invitation only, opportunities exist for registered participants to present papers in poster sessions on any topic related to the broad theme of the conference. Three hard-copies of a full paper (8000 words) or extended abstract (1000 words) submitted before December 29, 1989 are assured of full consideration. Please direct all registration requests, paper submissions and inquiries to: Ravi V. Gomatam, Organizing Secretary THE BHAKTIVEDANTA INSTITUTE 84 Carl Street San Francisco, CA 94117 U.S.A. Tel: (415)-753-8647/8648 E-Mail: INTERNET: BITNET: bvi@ucsfcca CONFERENCE HOST: The Bhaktivedanta Institute - A private non- profit research organization promoting international discussions on consciousness-based perspectives in relation to outstanding problems in various areas of modern science. The institute has centers in Bombay and San Francisco and a staff of twenty concerned scientists from different fields. * * * * *