[comp.cog-eng] Of Mice and Autos ... and sewing machines

thom@dewey.soe.berkeley.edu (Thom Gillespie) (12/26/89)

I just logged on to ask "What about feets for the mouse .. or kness?"  I
thought of this when I was sewing and realized that I couldn't use a sewing
machine unless I had feet. Two hands are not enough.

I realize it sounds like Rube Goldberg but I could probably deal with a foot
track ball and a knee cap button. When I was young my Grandmother taught me to
sew on an old iron peddle sewing machine.

The auto history posting was interesting -- I'm glad Apple never patented the
wheel first.

--Thom Gillespie

mark@kimball.PARC.xerox.com (Mark Weiser) (12/27/89)

There have been papers at the last-couple-but-one, i.e. '88 and '87)
Computer-Human Interaction conferences on feet-mice.  The first paper
has a discussion of previous attempts in this area, including a knee mouse
(which caused leg cramps).  Proceedings availabel from ACM, I guess.

Spoken: Mark Weiser 	ARPA:	mark@mimsy.umd.edu	Phone: +1-301-454-7817
After May 15, 1987: weiser@parcvax.xerox.com