[comp.cog-eng] Command-line spelling correction

hobbs@tove.umd.edu (James David Hobbs) (01/13/90)

I am pursuing effective command-line spelling correction for Unix.
Such a system would ideally increase user-efficiency for two major 
reasons.  The users would not be spending time and becoming frustrated 
correcting trivial slips.  Also, they could preserve their 
train of thought on the task at hand instead of the computer details.

I have already implemented two such systems, but neither have been
very effective.  The first system was tested on computer novices
through the University of Maryland Psychology subject pool.  
The second was aimed at more Unix-knowledgeable users.
There seem to have been two significant problems with both of these
systems: 1) the user felt out of control and 2) the output was
too verbose.

The most difficult problem is the interplay of user control and
preserving task train of thought.  Ben Shneiderman brought up an 
analogy for this problem: In word procesors the spelling correction
is not usually made immediately.  We both assume this is largely so
that the user stays in control.  The second system
that I implemented waited until a return was hit, then, if a 
slip was made, produced a corrected line and asked for confirmation.
Here, the user can keep typing even when he or she knows a slip was made, 
simply assuming that the correction will be made.  The problem is 
the user is not totally in control.  Another extreme might be to check 
every blank-terminated word immediately, and just beep when the user
seems to make a mistake.  Here, the user will more easily break
her or his train of thought.

Any comments on command-line spelling correction in general?
Any comments on how to balance user control/task train of thought?
Would anyone be interested in using the next (Sun) system?

jhc@iris.brown.edu (James H. Coombs) (01/13/90)

If you are trying to help naive users, then you also need to address the 
problem of associating the proper keyword with the desired command.  
Spelling correction might help in this process, but errors will often 
not be a matter of spelling.  Is there also a problem of generating 
"corrections" that do not map onto Unix commands at all?  I can't tell 
from your posting.

Anyway, you might want to take a look at this article:

Dumais, Susan T., George W. Furnas, Thomas K. Landauer, 
Scott Deerwester, and Richard Harshman.  Using Latent Semantic Analysis 
to Improve Access to Textual Information.   Proceedings of CHI '88.  

I hope I have grabbed the right reference.  I associate the work with 
Landauer and Furnas, and that's the only citation I have in my 
bibliography for Furnas.  It will get you on the track in any case.


Dr. James H. Coombs
Senior Software Engineer, Research
Institute for Research in Information and Scholarship
Box 1952, Brown University, Providence, RI 02912

chuck@melmac.harris-atd.com (Chuck Musciano) (01/15/90)

In article <21791@mimsy.umd.edu> hobbs@tove.umd.edu (James David Hobbs) writes:
>I am pursuing effective command-line spelling correction for Unix.
>Such a system would ideally increase user-efficiency for two major 
>reasons.  The users would not be spending time and becoming frustrated 
>correcting trivial slips.  Also, they could preserve their 
>train of thought on the task at hand instead of the computer details.

     Win Strickland did his master's thesis on this topic at Georgia Tech
around 1982 or so.  He produced a "backstop" which provided command name
spelling correction based upon patterns of typographic errors committed on
qwerty keyboards.  I liked this tool a lot, and always used it.  You could
configure it to prompt you with a correction, or to automatically correct,
or whatever.  

     You might want to get a copy of his thesis from Ga Tech.

Chuck Musciano				ARPA  : chuck@trantor.harris-atd.com
Harris Corporation 			Usenet: ...!uunet!x102a!trantor!chuck
PO Box 37, MS 3A/1912			AT&T  : (407) 727-6131
Melbourne, FL 32902			FAX   : (407) 727-{5118,5227,4004}

Gee, Beaver, everything that's fun can get you in trouble.  Haven't you
learned that yet? --Gilbert