[comp.cog-eng] CHI'90 Tutorials

armstron@bmers11.uucp (Steve Armstrong) (12/13/89)

  CHI '90 (the seventh annual Conference on Human Factors and
 Computing Systems) will be held in Seattle, Washington, from April
 1st to 5th, 1990.

  The theme of CHI '90 is Empowering People:  facilitating their
 work and communications, improving their effectiveness and
 productivity.  The conference will have technical papers, panel
 sessions, tutorials, interactive posters, interactive
 performances, workshops, videos, laboratory reviews, formal and
 hands-on demonstrations, and exhibits.

  A key feature of the annual CHI conference is the tutorials
 program, which has been expanded for the 1990 conference in
 response to requests from applications developers.

  "The CHI '90 tutorials program boasts a new set of tutorials
 designed specifically for developers working on direct
 manipulation and the new windowing systems," says Dr. Wendy
 Kellogg, Tutorials Program Chair for CHI '90.  "Successful
 application of these technologies requires an understanding of
 human factors issues underlying user interactions."

  A brief description of each tutorial is included below.  To
 receive an advance program, which provides full details on each
 tutorial and conference registration, please contact the conference
 executive administrator, Toni MacHaffie, by:

     EMAIL:  machaffie.chi@xerox.com
     MAIL:   CHI '90, P.O. Box 5847, Beaverton, OR 97006-5847
     PHONE:  (503) 591-1981
     FAX:    (503) 642-3934

Advance programs will be mailed on January 1st, 1990

                           CHI'90 TUTORIALS PROGRAM

Tutorial #1           (Full day, Sunday, April 1, 1990)

User-Computer Interface Design

   John L. Sibert and James D. Foley
   The George Washington University

This course presents a top-down design methodology for user-computer
interfaces, including requirements definition, conceptual design,
functional design, and dialogue design.  The emphasis is on graphically-
oriented dialogue styles:  matters such as screen layout, use of icons,
and graphical interaction devices, techniques, and feedback are

Tutorial #2        (Full day, Sunday, April 1, 1990)

Advanced Methods for User Interface Design:  Applications, Tools,
  and Survival Techniques

   Tyler Blake
   Intuitive Software and Interactive Systems, Inc.
   and California State University, Northridge

This course investigates state-of-the-art techniques for producing
quality user interface designs in each of three major areas:
conceptual design, technical implmentation and organization support.
A series of methodologies for increasing the precision, productivity,
creativity, and practicality of the user interface design process
is examined.

Tutorial #3        (Full day, Sunday, April 1, 1990)

Graphical Invention for User Interfaces

   Bill Verplank
   ID TWO Product Design Consultants

Introduces new strategies for graphical invention with principles,
processes, examples and short exercises.  Topics addressed include
visual brainstorming, idea sketching, conceptual models and mental
maps (imageability), graphic facilitation, and uses of metaphor in
interface design.

Tutorial #4        (Full day, Sunday, April 1, 1990)

The Use of Non-Speech Audio at the Interface

   Bill Buxton, University of Toronto
   Bill Gaver, Rank Xerox Cambridge EuroPARC
   Sara Bly, Xerox PARC

Human-computer interaction can be significantly enhanced through better
use of the audio channel.  The focus of this course is on an especially
neglected aspect of sound:  the use of non-speech audio to communicate
information from the computer to the user.  The course will provide
the historical, theoretical, and practical background that will enable
participants to "tool up" to undertake such work.

Tutorial #5           (Full day, Sunday, April 1, 1990)

Concepts of Object Oriented Programming

   Dave N. Smith, IBM Watson Research Center

This course introduces object-oriented programming to those familiar
with procedural languages, starting with the simplest possible objects
and adding concepts one by one, illustrating each step with examples
from one object-oriented language (Smalltalk).  Content covers what
an object is, sending messages to objects, methods, introduction to
Smalltalk, kinds of message sends, classes, instances, class methods,
hierarchy of classes, self and super, and abstract classes.

Tutorial #6            (Full day, Sunday, April 1, 1990)

Direct Manipulation Design Studio

   Eliot Tarlin, Digital Equipment Corporation

The most complex design problem within a direct manipulation style
interface is consistently the dialog box.  This course provides
an in-depth review of a case study of converting a command line
interface to a direct manipulation interface, and engages students
in collaborative design exercises and a studio critique to reveal
and address issues and tradeoffs confronted within dialog
box design.

Tutorial #7              (Full day, Sunday, April 1, 1990)

How to Run Computer-Supported Meetings

   John Whiteside, Digital Equipment Corporation

This course is a training program in running computer-facilitated
meetings.  Its focus is on providing attendees with concrete
skills, information, and tools that can immediately be used in
implementing and conducting computer-enhanced meetings in their
organizations and groups.

Tutorial #8             (Full day, Sunday, April 1, 1990)

Designing Phone-Based Interfaces

Richard Halstead-Nussloch, IBM Corporation
Michael DiAngelo, IBM Corporation
James Kondziela, NYNEX, Inc.

Phones are potentially convenient workstations to a wide range of
computer services, but turning this potential into a reality
represents a challenging opportunity for user interface designers.
This course will cover PBI technology, identify opportunities for
applying PBIs, choosing appropriate PBI dialogue flow, and elements
of PBI design.  In a design studio portion of the course,
participants will design and critique a PBI.

Tutorial #9              (Half day, Sunday Morning, April 1, 1990)

Introduction to Hypertext and Hypermedia

   Jakob Nielsen, Technical University of Denmark

This introductory course defines and surveys existing hypertext and
hypermedia systems.  User interface issues, problems in navigating
large information spaces, and empirical tests of the usability of
hypermedia systems and documents are discussed.

Tutorial #10         (Half day, Sunday Morning, April 1, 1990)

Designing Minimalist instruction for practical computer skill

   John M. Carroll and Mary Beth Rosson
   IBM Watson Research Center

Designers of instruction for practical
skills must address the paradox of sensemaking:  people need to
make sense of a situation in order to learn from it, but at the
same time need to learn about new situations before they can make
sense of them.  This course describes the Minimalist instructional
model, developed to address the paradox of sensemaking and the
failures of traditional approaches to user training.  Design
objectives for writing Minimalist instruction and a review of
several examples will be given.

Tutorial #11              (Half day, Sunday Morning, April 1, 1990)

Applications Programming with the X Toolkit

   Douglas Young, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories

This course introduces the X toolkit, a standard high-level toolkit
for writing applications with the X windows system.  Content includes
the architecture of the Xt intrinsics, how to structure and write
X-based applications, and examples of creating user interfaces with
user interface components known as widgets.

Tutorial #12            (Half day, Sunday Morning, April 1, 1990)

Questionnaire Design Studio

   Marilyn Mantei, University of Toronto

Questionnaires do not automatically obtain the data its distributors
expect to get.  This course details how to develop valid and
reliable questionnaires for user evaluation studies, user acceptance
studies, and assessments of work practices and user attitudes.
Content includes avoiding common biases built into questions,
judging the trustworthiness of data from other questionnaires, and
practice generating questions.

Tutorial #13          (Half day, Sunday Morning, April 1, 1990)

Copyright Protection for Software and User Interfaces

   Pamela Samuelson, Emory University

Intellectual property issues have become important for software
developers with the increase in decided and pending cases.  In
this tutorial, copyright issues affecting
user interface design and other aspects of software will be
addressed.  Content includes reviews of copyright law, its
specific application to software, decided cases, and issues
and arguments of pending cases.

Tutorial #14        (Half day, Sunday Afternoon, April 1, 1990)

Patent and Unfair Competition Protection for Software and User

   Pamela Samuelson, Emory University

This tutorial focuses on
patent law developments affecting user interface design and
software in general, and introduces concepts of unfair
competition law as it might affect software developers.  Content
includes an overview of the patent system, a review of recent
software user interface patents, discussions of the
patentability of software innovations, design patent law,
and the law of unfair competition, trademark, and trade dress

Tutorial #15         (Half day, Sunday Afternoon, April 1, 1990)

Software Design as Commuication Design

   Paul Heckel, QuickView Systems

Heckel presents a unique perspective of software design as a
communications craft.  The course details the implications of
viewing software as a communication medium like writing, film,
or theatre, emphasizing ways of thinking and communication
techniques that transcend specific media.  Over thirty
communication techniques are described, each with examples
in software.

Tutorial #16         (Half day, Sunday Afternoon, April 1, 1990

OSF/Motif:  Features and Functionality

   Ellis Cohen, Open Software Foundation

This course describes OSF/Motif, including the Motif toolkit, user
interface language, window manager, and style guide.  A knowledge
of X11 and the Xt intrinsics is helpful, but not necessary or required.

Tutorial #17         (Half day, Sunday Afternoon, April 1, 1990)

Desktop Computer Animation

   Patricia Harrison and Daniel Sadowski
   Harrison Sadowski and Associates

Creating rich, animated visuals is no longer limited to those with
access to high-end workstations.  This course explains animation
techniques and surveys currently available desktop animation products.
Extensive examples are shown, and the complete process of developing
an animation sequence will be demonstrated.

Tutorial #18          (Half day, Sunday Afternoon, April 1, 1990)

Turning Text into Hypertext

   Robert J. Glushko, Search Technology, Inc.

An intermediate course which introduces methods for analyzing and
converting existing documents into hypertext documents.  User
interface and implementation implications of hypertext components
are reviewed and a case study illustrating design issues is discussed.
Participants will analyze several real documents for their
"hypertextability" in order to recognize what makes documents easy
or challenging candidates for hypertext.

Tutorial #19          (Full day, Monday, April 2, 1990)

Managing the Design of the User Interface:  A Practical Course for
  Software Managers and Developers

   Deborah J. Mayhew, Deborah J. Mayhew and Associates

Organized around a traditional project life cycle, this course
presents practical methods and techniques for managing the design of
high-quality user interfaces through the application of human factors.
and techniques presented include interface design and evaluation
techniques as well as organizational and managerial strategies.

Tutorial #20        (Full day, Monday, April 2, 1990)

Graphical Human-computer Interface Design for Window Management Systems

   Aaron Marcus, Aaron Marcus and Associates

This course introduces terminology, principles, guidelines, and
heuristics for successfully using graphics in human-computer
interfaces.  Topics covered include the design of icons, control
panels, dialog boxes, and navigational devices, that are not
sufficiently prescribed by window management systems.  The course
addresses perceptual, cognitive, and communication issues.

Tutorial #21        (Full day, Monday, April 2, 1990)

Usability Engineering:  Using Contextual Inquiry

   John Bennett, IBM Almaden Research Center
   Karen Holtzblatt, Digital Equipment Corporation
   Sandra Jones, Digital Equipment Corporation
   Dennis Wixon, Digital Equipment Corporation

A practical introduction to the use of contextual inquiry as a
step toward achieving computer system usability.  The focus is
on how to do contextual inquiry as a way to understand user
requirements and to set user-related design objectives.

Tutorial #22          (Full day, Monday, April 2, 1990)

Issues in the Design and Application of Hypermedia Systems

   Frank G. Halasz, Xerox PARC
   Jeff Conklin, MCC

An advanced tutorial for those intending to design or implement
hypermedia systems.  The course will review several existing
hypermedia systems, focusing on critical issues for creating
state-of-the-art systems.  The application of hypermedia technology
to the management of semi-structured information and outstanding
research issues will be discussed.

Tutorial #23          (Full day, Monday, April 2, 1990)

Introduction to Visual Programming Environments

   Ephraim P. Glinert, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
   Marc H. Brown, DEC Systems Research Center
   Brad A. Myers, Carnegie Mellon University

Visual programming refers to the use of graphics to define or help
define programs; program visualization is the use of graphics to
make programs and their executions understandable.  This course
defines and classifies visual environments, surveys visual
representations for programs and visual programming systems, and
outlines the concepts underlying the design and implementation of
visual systems.  Successes of the visual approach, unresolved issues,
and future applications are discussed.

Tutorial #24           (Full day, Monday, April 2, 1990)

New Interaction Media

   Robert J.K. Jacob, Naval Research Laboratory
   Walter Bender, MIT Media Laboratory
   Jim Davis, MIT Media Laboratory
   Scott S. Fisher, NASA Ames Research Center

This course describes some techniques for human-computer interaction
that will become available in the near future, specifically, speech,
new display technology, stereoscopic graphics, spatial input, and
eye-tracking.  For each, the underlying theories of operation of the
devices will be explored, and examples of current research and
"products" detailed.  The course will discuss the merits, limitations,
and range of suitable applications for these media, and offer
practical advice toward using these technologies at the interface.

Tutorial #25         (Full day, Monday, April 2, 1990)

Designing User Interfaces for Children

Allison Druin, Tell Tale Technologies
Kate Withey, Willow Design

Creating innovative and successful user interfaces for children
holds special challenges, but understanding and meeting these
challenges is relevant to all user interface design.  The first
part of this course describes existing and emerging
interfaces for children, and prototyping techniques
for such interfaces.  In the second part, schoolchildren will join
participants in design teams to prototype and critique an interface.

Tutorial #26         (Half day, Monday Morning, April 2, 1990)

The Pragmatics of Haptic Input

   Bill Buxton, University of Toronto

This course examines some of the bases upon which the designer can make
appropriate decisions in matching input technologies and techniques to
applications and users.  Input devices are discussed in terms of
properties that augment their ability to support certain transactions
but inhibit their ability to support others.  Content includes methods
for making comparative evaluations, a taxonomy of input devices and
tasks, and a discussion of how phrasing techniques can be used to
support the attainment of skilled performance.

Tutorial #27           (Half day, Monday Morning, April 2, 1990)

Video Ultrasimulation:  Creating the Experience of Skilled Performance

   David Hon, IXION

Hon designs and builds computer-based training systems utilizing
a range of novel forms of user input and video output, with the
goal of creating a context where learners can experience the feel
of skilled performance, which he calls "ultrasimulation."  The
course will differentiate and show examples of different types
and uses of video simulation, and discuss interface design
issues and aspects of the design process which are
critical for the success of these highly interactive systems.

Tutorial #28           (Half day, Monday Morning, April 2, 1990)

The Development of Seductive Interfaces

   Timothy C. Skelly and David D. Thiel
   Incredible Technologies

Designing interfaces that can draw users in and
motivate them to further learning and use has long been a goal
and challenge faced by video games designers.  This course
explores the properties and mechanisms of successful self-teaching
interfaces drawing on examples of video and computer games, and
discusses effective composition of interfaces combining graphics,
sound, and user input.

Tutorial #29        (Half day, Monday Morning, April 2, 1990)

The OPEN LOOK Graphical User Interface:  Design, Philosophy, and Use

   Lin Brown and Scott Ritchie
   Sun Microsystems

This course will familiarize attendees with the OPEN LOOK graphical
user interface, and the design concepts and philosopies on which it
is based.  Interactive demonstrations of several applications and
techniques for designing applications user interfaces in the OPEN
LOOK environment will be presented.

Tutorial #30          (Half day, Monday Morning, April 2, 1990)

A Practical Introduction to Experimental Design for CHI Research

   Richard Dillon and Jo Tombaugh
   Carleton University

This course introduces the use of experimental and quasi-experimental
designs in applied research.  Participants will learn how to critically
evaluate the appropriateness and usefulness of formal experiments
reported in the literature, and how to design experiments that will
have impact in HCI research.

Tutorial #31           (Half day, Monday Morning, April 2, 1990)

MacApp*TM*:  An Object-Oriented User Interface Toolkit

   Kurt J. Schmucker, Apple Computer, Inc.

User interface toolkits, constructed with the techniques of
programming, are one means of reducing the cost of producing applications
with sophisticated, iconic user interfaces.  This course presents a
detailed examination of these toolkits, their structure, and their use,
with all examples in MacApp in both Object Pascal and C++.
Several small applications designed with MacApp will be demonstrated and
decomposed to show their implementation.

Tutorial #32         (Half day, Monday Afternoon, April 2, 1990)

AI and Education

   Elliot Soloway, University of Michigan

This course discusses four types of AI systems for improving teaching
(the intelligent lab workbench, articulate expert, expert diagnostician,
and intelligent tutor).  Several large teaching systems will be described
as case studies in how to design, build, and test an AI-based training

Tutorial #33           (Half day, Monday Afternoon, April 2, 1990)

Storyboards and Sketch Prototypes for Rapid Interface Visualization

   Gayle Curtis, Rehabilitation R&D Center
   Laurie Vertelney, Apple Computer, Inc.

The inventive leap to effective new user interfaces often requires
visualization of applications and user scenarios long before the
final technology is available.  This course describes how
storyboards and sketch prototypes can be powerful tools for
exploring alternative design ideas and having early feedback
on their usability.

Tutorial #34            (Half day, Monday Afternoon, April 2, 1990)

Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Groupware

   Jonathan Grudin, MCC/Aarhus University
   Steven E. Poltrock, Boeing Advanced Technology Center

This course introduces attendees to the opportunities and challenges
posed by computer supported cooperative work (CSCW) and groupware,
providing the background needed to evaluate existing groupware and
design more effective applications.  The focus will be on
functionality and user interface requirements rather than underlying
architectural support issues.

Tutorial #35           (Half day, Monday Afternoon, April 2, 1990)

Interface Builder and Object-Oriented Design on the NeXT Computer

   Michael K. Mahoney, California State University, Long Beach

This course provides an overview of the process of developing a NeXT
application, showing how the NeXT Interface Builder enables graphical
definition of user interfaces in an object-oriented language.  User
interfaces to several small applications will be built and tested,
and other useful tools for application program development will be

Tutorial #36             (Half day, Monday Afternoon, April 2, 1990)

Human-Computer Interaction Standards:  Developments and Prospects

   John Karat, IBM Watson Research Center

International user interface standards may well be a reality within
the next two years.  This course will provide attendees with an
understanding of standardization efforts by describing current
standards committee activities and their potential impact on current
systems.  Ways in which attendees can participate in and influence
current standardization efforts will be discussed.

Tutorial #37          (Half day, Monday Afternoon, April 2, 1990)

The Psychology of Software Development

   Bill Curtis, MCC

This course covers results of recent research on the psychological
aspects of programming and their implications for software development
technology and environments.  Content includes cognitive models of
programming knowledge that underlie individual differences in
programming, and team and organizational issues in software development


yam@nttmhs.ntt.jp (Toshihiko YAMAKAMI) (02/01/90)

From article <10410@microsoft.UUCP>, by bruceb@microsoft.UUCP (Bruce BURGER):
>>  TUTORIALS:  Sunday & Monday, April 1-2
>>  environments and toolkits, and special topics.  For an email
>>  description of the workshops, write MEADS.CHI@XEROX.COM.
> Can someone post the tutorial schedule to this group?  I'm sure lots of
> people would be interested.  Thanks.

Maybe someone in Committee will post details.

I will pick up titles:(from CHI'90 Advance Program, which arrived
at Japan only a few days ago)

Sorry, I cut come of Newsgroups due to my posting program problem.

Full day Sunday, April 1, 1990
1 User-Computer Interface Design
	John L. Sibert, James D. Foley(George Washington Univ)

2 Advanced Methods for User Interface Desgins: Applications, Tools, and
  Survival Techniques
	Tyler Blake(Intuitive Software and Interactive Systems Inc...)

3 Graphical Invention for User Interfaces
	Bill Verplank(ID TWO Product Design Consultants)

4 The Use of Non-Speech Audio at the Interface
	Bill Buxton(Univ of Tronto)
	Bill Gaver(Rank Xerox EuroPARC)
	Sara Bly(Xerox PARC)

5 The Concetpts of Object Oriented Programming
	David N. Smith(IBM T.J.Watson)

6 Direct Manipulation Design Studio
	Eliot Tarlin(DEC)

7 How to Run Computer-Supported Meetings
	John Whiteside(DEC)

8 Designing Phone-Based Interfaces
	Richard Halstead-Nussloch(IBM)
	Michael DiAngelo(IBM)
	James Kondziela(NYNEX)

Half day Sunday Morning, April 1, 1990
9 Introduction to Hypertext and Hypermedia
	Jakob Nielsen(Tech Univ of Denmark)

10 Designing Minimalist Instruction for Practical Computer Skill
	John M. Carroll, Mary Beth Rosson(IBM T.J.Watson)

11 Application Programming with the X Toolkit
	Douglas Young(HP Lab)

12 Questionnaire Desgin Studio
	Marilyn Mantei(Univ of Tronto)

13 Copyright Protection for Software and User Interfaces
	Pamela Samuelson(Emory Law School)

Half day Sunday Afternoon, April 1, 1990
14 Patent and Unfair Comptetition Protection for Software and User Interfaces
	Pamela Samuelson(Emory Law School)

15 Software Design as Communication Design
	Paul Heckel(Quick View Systems)

16 OSF/MOTIF TM:Features & Functionality
	Ellis Cohen(OSF)

17 Desktop Computer Animation
	Patricia Harrison, Daniel Sadowski(harrison Sadowski and Associates)

18 Turning Text into Hypertext
	Robert J. Glushko(Search Technology Inc.)

Full day Monday, April 2, 1990
19 Managing the Design of the User Interface: A Practical Course for
   Software Managers and Developers
	Deborah J. Mayhew(Deborah J. Mayhew and Associates)

20 Graphical Human-Computer Interface Design for Window Management Systems
	Aaron Marcus(Aaron Marcus and Associates)

21 Usability Engineering: Using Contextual Inquiry
	John Benett(IBM Almaden)
	Karen Holtzblatt, Sandra Jones, Dennis Wixon(DEC)

22 Issues in the Design and Application of Hypermedia Systems
	Frank Halasz(Xerox PARC)
	Jeff Conklin(MCC)

23 Introduction to Visual Programming Environments
	Ephraim P. Glinert(Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
	Marc H. Brown(DEC)
	Brad A. Myers(CMU)

24 New Interaction Media
	Robert J. K. Jacob(Naval Research Lab)
	Walter Bender, Jim David(MIT Media Lab)
	Scott S. Fisher(NASA Ames Research Center)

25 Designing User Interfaces for Children
	Allison Druin(Tell Tale Technologies)
	Kate Withey(Willow Design)

Half day, Monday Morning, April 2, 1990
26 The Pragmatics of Haptic Input
	Bill Buxton(Univ of Tronto)

27 Video Ultrasimulration: Creating the Experience of Skilled Performance
	David Hon(IXION)

28 The Development of Seductive Interfaces
	Timothy c. Skelly, David D. Thiel(Incredivle Technologies)

29 The OPENLOOK TM Graphical User Interface: Design, Philosophy and Use
	Lin Brown, Scott Ritchie(Sun Microsystems)

30 A Practical Introduction to Experimental Design in CHI Research
	Richard Dillon, Jo Tombaugh(Carleton Univ)

31 MacApp TM: An Object-Oriented User Interface Toolkit
	Kurt Schmucker(Apple)

Half day, Monday Afternoon, April 2, 1990
32 AI and Education
	Elliot Soloway(Univ of Michigan)

33 Storyboards and Sketch Prototypes for Rapid Interface Visualization
	Gayle Curtis(Stanford & VA Palo Alto)
	Laurie Vertelney(Apple)

34 Compuer Supported Cooperative Work and Groupware
	Jonathan Grudin(MCC)
	Steven Poltrock(Boeing)

35 Interface Builder and Object Oriented Design on the NeXT TM Computer
	Michael K. Mahoney(California State Univ)

36 Human-Computer Interaction Standards:Developments and Prospects
	John Karat(IBM T.J.Watson)
	John Brooke(DEC, UK)

37 The Psychology of Software Development
	Bill Curtis(MCC)


Toshihiko YAMAKAMI	NTT Telecommunication Networks Laboratories
 Telephone:	+81-468-59-3781 	FAX:	+81-468-59-2546
 junet:	yam@nttmhs.ntt.jp		CSNET:	yam%nttmhs.ntt.jp@relay.cs.net
 snail-mail:	Take 1-2356-523A, Yokosuka, Kanagawa 238-03 JAPAN