[comp.cog-eng] Possible one-year internship with U S WEST

roberts@uswat.uswest.com (Terry Roberts) (02/24/90)

The user-interface research group at U S WEST Advanced Technologies 
anticipates having a one-year job opening for a graduate student intern 
or post-doc.

The intern would participate in a project whose goals are to make 
communication services useful for and usable by the general public.  
Specifically, the intern would participate in the design, prototyping, 
and testing of innovative user interfaces for potential products and 
services, with a focus on speech-recognition technology.

We are looking for a graduate student or recent Ph.D. in one of the 
human-computer interaction fields (computer science, psychology, ...).	
A candidate should have experience with user-interface design methods 
and with user testing.	S/he should be familiar with computer tools and 
environments such as Unix, Macintosh, and/or the IBM PC.  The candidate 
should have good communication skills, both oral and written.  
Familiarity with telephone-based services and/or speech recognition is 
a plus.

U S WEST is the regional telephone company that covers most of the 
western part of the United States, except for California and Nevada.  
Advanced Technologies is a subsidiary that does research and 
development for all of U S WEST.  The job will be located in a suburb 
of Denver, Colorado.

This position will probably be available from June 1990 until May 1991. 
Note that we are firm about the position going away after a year.  It 
is a replacement for an existing employee who will be on rotation in 
another group, but who will return to his job after the year is over.

For more information, please contact
	Terry Roberts
	U S WEST Advanced Technologies
	6200 S. Quebec St.
	Englewood, CO  80111
	(303) 930-5388
	fax: (303) 220-3351