[comp.cog-eng] Literature about visualization of data structures

geltz@dia.ifistg.uucp (Markus Geltz) (03/01/90)

For my masters thesis (computer science) I am searching for
literature about: 

* The visualization of data structures like trees, directed acyclic
  graphs, semantic nets ...

I plan to survey existing visualization schemes and will try to 
determine conditions for "good" visualizations.  

So, any pointers to existing work will be greatly appreciated. 
I've already looked at work published in the CHI proceedings.

I will summarize results for the group if there is enough interest.

Markus Geltz
Markus Geltz              email: geltz@informatik.uni-stuttgart.de
		          UUCP:  unido!ifistg!dia!geltz

kww@cs.glasgow.ac.uk (Mr Kevin Waite) (03/02/90)

In response to your news message:

I have just finished building a system (in Smalltalk) for visualising
and visually programming algebraically-specified abstract data types as
part of my doctoral research.  My thesis has just been submitted and so
is not yet in the public domain.  However, a summary of this system (called
VISAGE) is contained in the paper:

"A Graphical Environment Supporting the Algebraic Specification
of Abstract Data Types" in Kilgour, A. and Earnshaw, R. (Editors)
"Graphic Tools for Software Engineers" published by Cambridge University Press

I hope this is of interest.
Email:   kww@uk.ac.glasgow.cs  (JANET)
	 kww%cs.glasgow.ac.uk@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk  (INTERNET)
Address: Dept. of Computing Science,  University of Glasgow,
	 17 Lilybank Gardens,  Glasgow,  United Kingdom.  G12 8QQ

smf@hfserver.hfnet.bt.co.uk (SMF) (03/06/90)

I tried to reply by mail but was unable to get through so I am sending this
message as posting on the noticeboard.

You might find the following two references useful:-

Akin, O., Baykan, C. and Rao, D. R. (1987) Structure of a directory space:
a case study with a UNIX operating system, IJMMS,26,3

Carroll, J., M., (1982) Learning, using and designing filenames and
command paradigms, BIT,1,4

I would be interested to see a summary of your replies.  If you post one
on the noticeboard could you also send me a copy in case I miss it.

Stephen Furner					Tele.  +44 473 643818
Industrial & Human Factors Design Divsion       Fax.   +44 473 637557 
British Telecom Research Labs.			E-mail smf@hfnet.bt.co.uk
Martlesham Heath, Ipswich IP5 7RE, UK

ebm@ebm.almaden.ibm.com (Eli Messinger) (03/06/90)

Markus Geltz...
> For my masters thesis (computer science) I am searching for
> literature about: 
> * The visualization of data structures like trees, directed acyclic
>   graphs, semantic nets ...

Prof. Robert Henry at the University of Washington has done some interesting
work with an "illustrated compiler."  The idea is that you feed a piece of
code to the compiler, it analyzes the data structures and flows and creates
an animation automatically.

Contact:  rrh@cs.washington.edu  Or write him at:

	Prof. Robert Henry
	Dept. of Computer Science, FR-35
	Univ. of Washington
	Seattle, WA  98195
	      "It's a fine line between hypnotized and bored."

  CSNET: ebm@ibm.com / UUCP: ...!uunet!ibmarc!ebm / BITNET: ebm@almvma.bitnet

ebm@ebm.almaden.ibm.com (Eli Messinger) (03/06/90)

I should also mention that there is a large body of literature on graph
layout algorithms.  My thesis (Univ. of Washington TR #88-07-08) contains
a short survey, as well as detailed information of our work.  Eades and
Tamassia's "Algorithms for Drawing Graphs: An Annotated Bibliography" is
more current and complete (available from the Department of Computer
Science at Brown University, Providence, RI  02912-1910, as Tech Report
	      "It's a fine line between hypnotized and bored."

  CSNET: ebm@ibm.com / UUCP: ...!uunet!ibmarc!ebm / BITNET: ebm@almvma.bitnet

almstrum@cs.utexas.edu (Vicki L. Almstrum) (03/06/90)

In article <1000@hfserver.hfnet.bt.co.uk> smf@hfserver.hfnet.bt.co.uk (SMF) writes:
>I tried to reply by mail but was unable to get through so I am sending this
>message as posting on the noticeboard.

I also tried replying by mail and was unsuccessful.

I am currently doing a pilot experiment with a programming envirionment
called Genie.  It has been developed as Carnegie Mellon University and is
in use at several beta sites for teaching beginning computer science.  Genie 
is a structure editor based system, and affords several views of the program.
In my experiment, I'm going to formulate hypotheses about how and if the
data visualization feature aids student understanding, debugging, and 
enhancement of a mid-sized Pascal program.  This will lay the groundwork
for future experiments.

I have not yet synthesized the references I've gathered.  However, if you
contact me directly I will be happy to chat with you more about what I've
turned up so far.

-- Vicki Almstrum