[comp.cog-eng] Is this an ITS or what?

patty@hms2.gatech.edu (Patty Jones) (03/16/90)

fullerr@yvax.byu.edu writes:

>I was wondering if some of you could give me some feedback on an idea.

>I'm a psychology student who is trying to create an ad-hoc cognitive science
>program from existing courses.  One of these courses is an Intelligent
>Tutoring class offered by our CS department.  The model we are using in the
>class is the one proposed in "Foundations of Intelligent Tutoring Systems"
>by Polson and Richardson (1988).  This model has an expert module, a student
>module, a control module and a user interface.  We have been argueing about
>the difficulties of these components for two months now and we have all
>decided that an ITS is impossible with the current technology.

>I have come up with what looks like on the surface to be a simplification.
>This simplification consists of pushing the control and student modules out
>into the user.  This would simplyify the system into an expert module with a
>human-computer interface.  The student would be able to learn a lesson module,
>and then test himself by proposing the question and then answering his own
>question thus bypassing the student module.  The control module would be
>overtaken by an interface that would allow the user to navigate the
>information in any order.  The real trick will be if I canget the metaphors
>that I am working as a criterion knowledge representation working, then I will
> be in better shape to help with the last two of those problems.

>My question is then, is this an ITS or is it an expert system with a fancy
>interface and a novice user?  Any comments would be appreciated.
>Rodney Fuller.  <fullerr@byuvax.bitnet>

It sounds to me like your proposed system allows the student to explore
an expert knowledge base with the aid of some navigational tools in the
interface (with a form of hypermedia?).  This reminds me somewhat of the 
STEAMER system (Hollan, Hutchins, & Weitzman, 1984), which is an inspectable, 
dynamic, graphical simulation of a steam propulsion system.  The basic idea is 
that by allowing the student to inspect the simulation while it's running, the 
student will build up the "correct mental model" of how the system works.  Thus,
the simulation serves as a form of "continuous explanation" to the student.
I guess you could argue from this that your system *is* an ITS.  BUT --

On the other hand, to me a major feature of an ITS is that it does model the
student (in the student module) and uses this knowledge in conjunction with its 
pedagogical strategies (the "control module") to guide the interaction.  Thus, 
an expert knowledge base is not enough (see Clancey, 1987, pp. 1-2 for a 
discussion as to why the MYCIN knowledge base needed to be supplemented with 
the GUIDON tutor.  He says that you could just request explanations from
MYCIN and learn from that, but that's inefficient and requires that the 
student ask exhaustive questions to learn everything in the knowledge base).

Other comments:
You said that the student would learn a "lesson module" -- who defines this
and how is it defined?  It looks like your proposed system will not know if 
the student answered her own questions correctly or not. If the student gets no 
feedback on performance, how can she learn?  Plus, it also looks like the 
system won't know if the questions themselves are reasonable or valid.

In summary, I think you have what could be called an "inspectable expert 
system".  I think it will need more than navigational tools to support
tutoring though.


Clancey, W. J. (1987).  _Knowledge-Based Tutoring:  The GUIDON Program._
Cambridge, MA:  MIT Press.

Hollan, J. D., Hutchins, E. L. & Weitzman, L. M. (1984).  STEAMER:  An
interactive, inspectable, simulation-based training system.  _The AI
Magazine_, Summer 1984.  Reprinted in G. Kearsley, (Ed.), _Artificial
Intelligence and Instruction:  Applications and Methods._  Reading, MA:
Addison-Wesley, 1987.


Patty Jones                                        
Center for Human-Machine Systems Research
School of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology,  Atlanta, GA 30332

UUCP:	patty@chmsr.UUCP               
INTERNET:	patty@chmsr.gatech.edu