[comp.cog-eng] The use of color/ aestetics

ianf@nada.kth.se (Ian Feldman) (03/16/90)

In article <2979@dciem.dciem.dnd.ca> mmt@dretor.dciem.dnd.ca (Martin
Taylor) writes re: having ready-made answers for questions of proper
application of colors:

> [......] What I did was to apply
> general principles of colour perception to the problems of the displays
> I was shown [.......]

> As a general principle, though, I give this overgeneralization:
> If it looks gorgeous, beware; it is probably not good for information
> presentation.

> Martin Taylor (mmt@zorac.dciem.dnd.ca ...!uunet!dciem!mmt) (416) 635-2048

  Which ties in nicely with, and can be generally applied to any
  visual-information presenting task.  I remember once questioning an
  advertising director's "flowery", in my point of view, use of various
  typefaces for body-text purposes; according to him, however, "whatever
  was aesthetic, was also a good ergonomic solution".  Alas, I don't
  quite believe him to have known the meaning of that last, far too
  often misused, word.

--Ian Feldman  /  ianf%nada.kth.se@uunet.uu.net <--- the only safe route
              / "observe the emacs-style expression-dash-misuse"