harnad@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (S. R. Harnad) (06/12/90)
The XII Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society will take place at MIT, July 25-28, 1990. (Immediately preceding the meeting of the AAAI, also to take place in the Boston area). Conference Chair: M. Piattelli-Palmarini (MIT) Scientific Advisors: Beth Adelson (Tufts), Stephen M. Kosslyn (Harvard) Steven Pinker (MIT), Kenneth Wexler (MIT) Registration fees: Members 150$ (before July 1), $200 after July 1 non-members 185 225 student 90 110 Contact the MIT Conference Services, MIT Room 7- 111 Cambridge, MA 02139 Tel. (617) 253-1700 _______________________________________________ Outline of the program Tuesday July 24, Wednesday July 25 Tutorials: "Cognitive Aspects of Linguistic Theory", "Logic and Computability", Cognitive Neuroscience" (Require separate registrations) Wednesday, July 26 4.00 - 7.30 pm Registration at Kresge Auditorium 7.30 - 9.00 First plenary session : Kresge Main Auditorium Welcoming address by Samuel Jay Keyser, Assistant Provost of MIT, Co-Director of the MIT Center for Cognitive Science; Welcoming address by David E. Rumelhart (Stanford), Chairman of the Board of the Cognitive Science Society Keynote speaker: Noam Chomsky (MIT) "Language and Cognition" __________ Thursday, July 26 9.00 am - 11.15 am Symposia: Execution-Time Response: Applying Plans in a Dynamic World Kristian J. Hammond (University of Chicago), Chair Phil Agre (University of Chicago) Richard Alterman (Brandeis University) Reid Simmons (Carnegie Mellon University) R. James Firby (NASA Jet Propulsion Lab) Cognitive Aspects of Linguistic Theory Howard Lasnik (University of Connecticut), Chair David Pesetsky (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Chair James T. Higginbotham (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) John McCarthy (University of Massachusetts) Perception, Computation and Categorization Whitman Richards (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Chair Aaron Bobick (SRI International) Ken Nakayama (Harvard University) Allan Jepson (University of Toronto) Paper Presentations: Rule-Based Reasoning,Explanation and Problem- Solving Reasoning II: Planning 11.30 - 12.45 Plenary session Kresge Main Auditorium Keynote Speaker: Morris Halle (MIT) "Words and their Parts" Chair: Kenneth Wexler (MIT) __________________ Thursday, July 26 Afternoon 2.00 pm - 4.15 pm Symposia: Principle-Based Parsing Robert C. Berwick (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Chair Steven P. Abney (Bell Communications Research) Bonnie J. Dorr (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Sandiway Fong (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Mark Johnson (Brown University) Edward P. Stabler, Jr. (University of California, Los Angeles) Recent Results in Formal Learning Theory Kevin T. Kelly (Carnegie Mellon University) Clark Glymour (Carnegie Mellon University), Chair Self-Organizing Cognitive and Neural Systems Stephen Grossberg (Boston University), Chair Ennio Mingolla (Boston University) Michael Rudd (Boston University) Daniel Bullock (Boston University) Gail A. Carpenter (Boston University) Action Systems: Planning and Execution Emilio Bizzi (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Chair Michael I. Jordan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Paper presentations Reasoning : Analogy Learning and Memory : Acquisition 4.30 - 5.45 Plenary Session (Kresge Main Auditorium) Keynote Speaker: Amos Tversky (Stanford) "Decision under conflict" Chair: Daniel N. Osherson (MIT) Banquet ______________ Friday July 27 9.00 - 11.45 am Symposia: What's New in Language Acquisition ? Steven Pinker and Kenneth Wexler (MIT), Chair Stephen Crain (University of Connecticut) Myrna Gopnik (McGill University) Alan Prince (Brandeis University) Michelle Hollander, John Kim, Gary Marcus, Sandeep Prasada, Michael Ullman (MIT) Attracting Attention Ann Treisman (University of California, Berkeley), Chair Patrick Cavanagh (Harvard University) Ken Nakayama (Harvard University) Jeremy M. Wolfe (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Steven Yantis (Johns Hopkins University) A New Look at Decision Making Susan Chipman (Office of Naval Research) and Judith Orasanu (Army Research Institute and Princeton University),Chair Gary Klein (Klein Associates) John A. Swets (Bolt Beranek & Newman Laboratories) Paul Thagard (Princeton University) Marvin S. Cohen (Decision Science Consortium, Inc.) Designing an Integrated Architecture: The Prodigy View Jaime G. Carbonell (Carnegie Mellon University), Chair Yolanda Gil (Carnegie Mellon University) Robert Joseph (Carnegie Mellon University) Craig A. Knoblock (Carnegie Mellon University) Steve Minton (NASA Ames Research Center) Manuela M. Veloso (Carnegie Mellon University) Paper presentations: Reasoning : Categories and Concepts Language : Pragmatics and Communication 11.30 - 12. 45 Plenary Session (Kresge main Auditorium) Keynote speaker: Margaret Livingstone (Harvard) "Parallel Processing of Form, Color and Depth" Chair: Richard M. Held (MIT) _________________________ Friday, July 27 afternoon 2.00 - 4.15 pm Symposia: What is Cognitive Neuroscience? David Caplan (Harvard Medical School) and Stephen M. Kosslyn (Harvard University), Chair Michael S. Gazzaniga (Dartmouth Medical School) Michael I. Posner (University of Oregon) Larry Squire (University of California, San Diego) Computational Models of Category Learning Pat Langley (NASA Ames Research Center) and Michael Pazzani (University of California, Irvine), Chair Dorrit Billman (Georgia Institute of Technology) Douglas Fisher (Vanderbilt University) Mark Gluck (Stanford University) The Study of Expertise: Prospects and Limits Anders Ericsson (University of Colorado, Boulder),Chair Neil Charness (University of Waterloo) Vimla L. Patel and Guy Groen (McGill University) Yuichiro Anzai (Keio University) Fran Allard and Jan Starkes (University of Waterloo) Keith Holyoak (University of California, Los Angeles), Discussant Paper presentations: Language (Panel 1) : Phonology Language (Panel 2) : Syntax 4.30 - 5.45 Keynote speaker: Anne Treisman (UC Berkeley) "Features and Objects" Chair: Stephen M. Kosslyn (Harvard) Poster Sessions I. Connectionist Models II. Machine Simulations and Algorithms III. Knowledge and Problem-Solving __________________________________ Saturday, July 28 9.00 am - 11.15 am Symposia: SOAR as a Unified Theory of Cognition: Spring 1990 Allen Newell (Carnegie Mellon University), Chair Richard L. Lewis (Carnegie Mellon University) Scott B. Huffman (University of Michigan) Bonnie E. John (Carnegie Mellon University) John E. Laird (University of Michigan) Jill Fain Lehman (Carnegie Mellon University) Paul S. Rosenbloom (University of Southern California) Tony Simon (Carnegie Mellon University) Shirley G. Tessler (Carnegie Mellon University) Neonate Cognition Richard Held (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Chair Jane Gwiazda (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Renee Baillargeon (University of Illinois) Adele Diamond (University of Pennsylvania) Jacques Mehler (CNRS, Paris, France) Discussant Conceptual Coherence in Text and Discourse Arthur C. Grasser (Memphis State University), Chair Richard Alterman (Brandeis University) Kathleen Dahlgren (Intelligent Text Processing, Inc.) Bruce K. Britton (University of Georgia) Paul van den Broek (University of Minnesota) Charles R. Fletcher (University of Minnesota) Roger J. Kreuz (Memphis State University) Richard M. Roberts (Memphis State University) Tom Trabasso and Nancy Stein Paper presentations: Causality,Induction and Decision-Making Vision (Panel 1) : Objects and Features Vision (Panel 2) : Imagery Language : Lexical Semantics Case-Based Reasoning 11.30 - 12.45 Keynote Speaker Ellen Markman (Stanford) "Constraints Children Place on Possible Word Meanings" Chair: Susan Carey (MIT) Lunch presentation: "Cognitive Science in Europe: A Panorama" Chair: Willem Levelt (Max Planck, Nijmegen). Informal presentations by: Jacques Mehler (CNRS, Paris), Paolo Viviani (University of Geneva), Paolo Legrenzi (University of Trieste), Karl Wender (University of Trier). _____________________________ Saturday 28 Afternoon 2.00 - 3.00 pm Paper presentations: Vision : Attention Language Processing Educational Methods Learning and Memory Agents, Goals and Constraints 3.15 - 4.30 Keynote Speaker: Roger Schank (Norhwestern) "The Story is the Message: Memory and Instruction" Chair: Beth Adelson (Tufts) 4.30 - 5.45 Keynote Speaker: Stephen Jay Gould (Harvard) "Evolution and Cognition" Chair: Steven Pinker (MIT) -- Stevan Harnad Department of Psychology Princeton University harnad@clarity.princeton.edu / harnad@pucc.bitnet / srh@flash.bellcore.com harnad@learning.siemens.com / harnad@elbereth.rutgers.edu / (609)-921-7771