[comp.cog-eng] graduate schools in cog sci

afbst@unix.cis.pitt.edu (Audrey F Bancroft) (07/10/90)

I apologize for the similarity to a request sevral weeks ago, but I am inter-  
ested in applying to PhD programs in Cognitive Science with more of a leaning
toward Psychology and Philosophy than toward Computing.  Could you please
e-mail information on good programs?  Also, do you think it is preferable to
go to a well-defined, integrative program such as Indiana, rather than a
nebulous program such as CMU?

Finally, since I am graduating from Pitt with my Master's in December, does this
mean I won't be able to tart a program until September of 91?

Thanks in advance.


*                 afbst@unix.cis.pitt.edu                *
*   "I am a romantic in a world of pragmatists."         *