[comp.cog-eng] Tools vs Appliances

flee@guardian.cs.psu.edu (Felix Lee) (07/21/90)

I think the noun-verb/verb-noun distinction that David Seah tries to
describe isn't syntactic, but more like the difference between a drill
press and a hand drill.  You take your object to a drill press, but
you apply the hand drill to your object.  It's the difference between
a tool and an appliance, between a knife and a food processor.

The MacPaint-style interface has both tools and appliances; you select
a pencil tool and draw lines, but you select part of the drawing and
duplicate it.

People certainly seem to have no problems using both tools and
appliances in real life.  The distinction is a little hazy, but tools
are used when building or crafting, while appliances are used when
doing, accomplishing things.

This is the difference between, say, Unix and VMS.  Unix is a rack of
tools, while VMS is a room full of appliances.  Many people who just
want to get things done are happier with full-feature appliances.  In
contrast, the hacker mentality is one that thrives on tools; hackers
will build a doorbell if they need one and don't see one handy.
Felix Lee	flee@cs.psu.edu

sthomas@library.adelaide.edu.au (Steve Thomas) (07/23/90)

In article <F7s.2f21@cs.psu.edu> flee@guardian.cs.psu.edu (Felix Lee) writes:
>I think the noun-verb/verb-noun distinction that David Seah tries to
>describe isn't syntactic, but more like the difference between a drill
>press and a hand drill.  You take your object to a drill press, but
>you apply the hand drill to your object.  It's the difference between
>a tool and an appliance, between a knife and a food processor.

i.e. its a question of horses for courses. There's also a skill element here:
to continue your analogy, a chef would always use a knife in preference to a
food processor, because s/he likes the greater control offered by the knife.
A novice cook on the other hand might prefer the food processor to losing a
>The MacPaint-style interface has both tools and appliances; you select
>a pencil tool and draw lines, but you select part of the drawing and
>duplicate it.

This is maybe a different issue to the noun-verb/verb-noun distinction - I'm
not sure. But it is clear to me that in many cases you have to specify the
noun/object before you can specify the verb/action, whereas you specify the
verb/_tool_ before the noun/object (i.e. distinction is between action and 
tool). This at least must be true if the tool is going to create the object,
since the object does not exist yet! 

>People certainly seem to have no problems using both tools and
>appliances in real life.  
>Many people who just
>want to get things done are happier with full-feature appliances.  In
>contrast, the hacker mentality is one that thrives on tools; 

Like I said: novice versus expert. The failing of the Mac OS here is that it
did not cater for both. The provision of an optional command interface would
not have been difficult, and would have stifled all those critics from the 
DOS world.

Aside: an example from the Mac Finder of interest in this debate: the Open
option from the File menu is only available once you have selected a file or
folder. Why? If the user could choose Open first, then go thru a standard
file open dialog to get the file, s/he would not have to go thru the tedious
business of opening folders all over the desktop. I know some people who hate
this, so why not, Apple?
Steve Thomas, Senior Systems Analyst
Mail  : Barr Smith Library, University of Adelaide,
        GPO Box 498, Adelaide, SOUTH AUSTRALIA 5001

mpe@ohdake.uta.fi (Matti Pettersson) (07/23/90)

In article <F7s.2f21@cs.psu.edu> flee@guardian.cs.psu.edu (Felix Lee) writes:
>I think the noun-verb/verb-noun distinction that David Seah tries to
>describe isn't syntactic, but more like the difference between a drill
>press and a hand drill.  You take your object to a drill press, but
>you apply the hand drill to your object.  It's the difference between
>a tool and an appliance, between a knife and a food processor.

Two points:

(1) There are two ways of seeing (analogies) the human-computer
interface.  One way is to see it as a language medium and the other
as a world to act (see f.g. Hutchins et.al., Direct Manipulation
Interfaces, in Norman and Draper (eds.) User Centered System Design).

(2) When editing a text for example, you are scanning through the text
on the screen.  Now when you come across a typing error, it is quite
natural to select the object first and then look after a suitable tool
instead of searching for a tool, returning to the text and locating
the typing error once again.  

Matti Pettersson, mpe@cs.uta.fi

noren@dinl.uucp (Charles Noren) (07/24/90)

In article <F7s.2f21@cs.psu.edu> flee@guardian.cs.psu.edu (Felix Lee) writes:
>This is the difference between, say, Unix and VMS.  Unix is a rack of
>tools, while VMS is a room full of appliances.  Many people who just
>want to get things done are happier with full-feature appliances.  In
>contrast, the hacker mentality is one that thrives on tools; hackers
>will build a doorbell if they need one and don't see one handy.

I've used both UNIX and VMS.  I see a different philosophy between
the two operating systems, but rack of tools vs. full-feature appliances
is one I fail to see.  Would you call yacc in UNIX a tool, given its
power?  Maybe if the thought is expanded upon with examples the
point would become clearer to me.

In any case (not to debate the merits of one OS over another), I want
an OS that has both tools and appliances.  I'd hate to be stuck with having
to use a refrigerator to pound a nail into a wall to hang a picture.
Conversly, I don't want just saws and hammers when I want to keep
my food cold.

Chuck Noren
NET:     ncar!dinl!noren
US-MAIL: Martin Marietta I&CS, MS XL8058, P.O. Box 1260,
         Denver, CO 80201-1260
Phone:   (303) 971-7930