[comp.cog-eng] Online HCI Bibliography

perlman@giza.cis.ohio-state.edu (Gary Perlman) (08/17/90)

The message contains 53 bibliographic records from Human-Computer Interaction.

Last December, I posted news about compiling a public domain
bibliography for HCI.  I have not forgotten about the idea, but
have had other priorities, and we have been doing some
foundational work on how researchers could use such information
online.  Here is a short progress report, and a request for
information from authors who have published in the journal
Human-Computer Interaction.  This request will give me a better
idea about how easy it will be to use the network to gather
online bibliographies. 

First, it appears that a public domain database is unrealistic.
Public domain means that no party has any rights to their work,
and this would severely restrict the amount of useful information
that we could have in the bibliography.  However, it does appear
that publishers are willing to grant royalty free use of verbatim
information (e.g., abstracts) from their journals for research use,
so long as the material is not republished without permission.
Consequently, each abstract in the bibliography will contain a
copyright statement.  For the vast majority of researchers, this
will not be a problem.

Second, it appears that it is pretty easy to incorporate all the
references from papers (books would be more tedious) by using a
system of generating identifiers.  There are some interesting
hypertext views that can help people browse bibliographies (and
other multiple hierarchies), and building, evaluating, and
refining these will be a major focus of a research project at OSU. 

Now for the request for information.  Below is a series of refer format
entries for all articles from the journal Human-Computer Interaction.
The format is easy enough to decipher, but here is a key anyway:
	%T	Title of Article
	%A	Author
	%J	Journal Abbreviation
	%V	Volume
	%N	Number in Volume
	%D	Date of Publication
	%P	Pages
Another project at OSU is doing work on data translation, and will be
producing filters to translate to other formats.


What I would like are abstracts for each entry to put into the
database.  If you are an author, then please send me the abstract
to your paper(s).  Append the abstract in plain text form after
your record and return the entire record.  Please do it
immediately (just hoping :-).  Also, if you see any errors in the
information, please correct it.  If you feel like it, provide
some keywords in a %K field.  If you know an author (search for
%A), then pass the information on to them.  Please post this on
other bboards. 

I will take the abstracts and insert them.  I will track how many
responses I get to try to determine how much work we will have to
do at this end for other journals and conference proceedings. 
Appropriate companies should feel free to donate a scanner with
OCR software.  Eventually, the online bibliographies will be
available via anonymous ftp, via a mail server, and on PC and Mac
disks.  Our hypertext software and supporting bibliographic tools
will only be available to a limited number of research sites
while they are developed, so if you are interested in the idea of
researching online access to the bibliography (probably initially
on X11) with reference and citation links, contact me. 

Name:  Gary Perlman               | Computer and Information Science Department
Email: perlman@cis.ohio-state.edu | Ohio State University, 228 Bolz Hall
Phone: 614-292-2566               | 2036 Neil Avenue Mall
Fax:   614-785-9837 or 292-9021   | Columbus, OH 43210-1277  USA

%T	A Principled Design for an Integrated Computational Environment
%A	Andrea A. diSessa
%V	1
%N	1
%D	1985
%P	1-47

%T	Systems with Human Monitors: A Signal Detection Analysis
%A	Robert D. Sorkin
%A	David D. Woods
%V	1
%N	1
%D	1985
%P	49-75

%T	Affect in Computer-Mediated Communication:
An Experiment in Synchronous Terminal-to-Terminal Discussion
%A	Sara Kiesler
%A	David Zubrow
%A	Anne Marie Moses
%A	Valerie Geller
%V	1
%N	1
%D	1985
%P	77-104

%T	Introduction to this Special Issue on Novice Programming
%A	Elliot Soloway
%V	1
%N	2
%D	1985
%P	105-106

%T	Novice LISP Errors: Undetected Losses of Information from Working Memory
%A	John R. Anderson
%A	Robin Jeffries
%V	1
%N	2
%D	1985
%P	107-131

%T	Preprogramming Knowledge:
A Major Source of Misconceptions in Novice Programmers
%A	Jeffrey Bonar
%A	Elliot Soloway
%V	1
%N	2
%D	1985
%P	133-161

%T	A Goal/Plan Analysis of Buggy Pascal Programs
%A	James C. Spohrer
%A	Elliot Soloway
%A	Edgar Pope
%V	1
%N	2
%D	1985
%P	163-207

%T	The Prospects for Psychological Science in Human-Computer Interaction
%A	Allen Newell
%A	Stuart K. Card
%V	1
%N	3
%D	1985
%P	209-242

%T	An Application of the Birmingham Discourse Analysis System
to the Study of Computer Guidance Interactions
%A	Michael J. Coombs
%A	James L. Alty
%V	1
%N	3
%D	1985
%P	243-282

%T	Exploring Exploring a Word Processor
%A	John M. Carroll
%A	Robert L. Mack
%A	Clayton H. Lewis
%A	Nancy L. Grischkowsky
%A	Scott R. Anderson
%V	1
%N	3
%D	1985
%P	283-307

%T	Introduction to this Special Issue on
New Perspectives on Human-Computer Interaction
%A	Thomas P. Moran
%V	1
%N	4
%D	1985
%P	309-310

%T	Direct Manipulation Interfaces
%A	Edwin L. Hutchins
%A	James D. Hollan
%A	Donald A. Norman
%V	1
%N	4
%D	1985
%P	311-338

%T	Knowledge-Based User Interface Design
%A	William Mark
%V	1
%N	4
%D	1985
%P	339-357

%T	Issues in Cognitive and Social Ergonomics: From Our House to Bauhaus
%A	John Seely Brown
%A	Susan E. Newman
%V	1
%N	4
%D	1985
%P	359-391

%T	Learning to Use a Text Editor:
Some Learner Characteristics That Predict Success
%A	Louis M. Gomez
%A	Dennis E. Egan
%A	Cheryl Bowers
%V	2
%N	1
%D	1986
%P	1-23

%T	A Cognitively Based Functional Taxonomy of Decision Support Techniques
%A	Wayne Zachary
%V	2
%N	1
%D	1986
%P	25-63

%T	The Influence of Color and Graphical Information Presentation
in a Managerial Decision Simulation
%A	Izak Benbasat
%A	Albert S. Dexter
%A	Peter Todd
%V	2
%N	1
%D	1986
%P	65-92

%T	Task-Action Grammars:
A Model of the Mental Representation of Task Languages
%A	Stephen J. Payne
%A	T. R. G. Green
%V	2
%N	2
%D	1986
%P	93-133

%T	Learning Flow of Control: Recursive and Iterative Procedures
%A	Claudius M. Kessler
%A	John R. Anderson
%V	2
%N	2
%D	1986
%P	135-166

%T	Auditory Icons: Using Sound in Computer Interfaces
%A	William W. Gaver
%V	2
%N	2
%D	1986
%P	167-177

%T	Graphic Representation of Judgmental Information
%A	Donald MacGregor
%A	Paul Slovic
%V	2
%N	3
%D	1986
%P	179-200

%T	Structure and Development of Plans in Computer Text Editing
%A	Scott P. Anderson
%A	John B. Black
%V	2
%N	3
%D	1986
%P	201-226

%T	Softening Up Hard Science: Reply to Newell and Card
%A	John M. Carroll
%A	Robert L. Campbell
%V	2
%N	3
%D	1986
%P	227-249

%T	Straightening Out Softening Up: Response to Carroll and Campbell
%A	Allen Newell
%A	Stuart K. Card
%V	2
%N	3
%D	1986
%P	251-267

%T	Graphically Defining New Building Blocks in ThingLab
%A	Alan Borning
%V	2
%N	4
%D	1986
%P	269-295

%T	Designing Interactive Tutorials for Computer Users
%A	Davida H. Charney
%A	Lynne M. Reder
%V	2
%N	4
%D	1986
%P	297-317

%T	A Cognitive Model and Computer Tutor for Programming Recursion
%A	Peter Pirolli
%V	2
%N	4
%D	1986
%P	319-355

%T	Introduction to this Special Issue on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work
%A	Bill Curtis
%A	Thomas W. Malone
%V	3
%N	1
%D	1987-1988
%P	1-2

%T	A Language/Action Perspective on the Design of Cooperative Work
%A	Terry Winograd
%V	3
%N	1
%D	1987-1988
%P	3-30

%T	Relationships and Tasks in Scientific Research Collaboration
%A	Robert E. Kraut
%A	Jolene Galegher
%A	Carmen Egido
%V	3
%N	1
%D	1987-1988
%P	31-58

%T	Cognitive Science and Organizational Design:
A Case Study of Computer Conferencing
%A	Kevin Crowston
%A	Thomas W. Malone
%A	Felix Lin
%V	3
%N	1
%D	1987-1988
%P	59-85

%T	An Architecture for Intelligent Interfaces:
Outline of an Approach to Supporting Operators of Complex Systems
%A	William B. Rouse
%A	Norman D. Geddes
%A	Renwick E. Curry
%V	3
%N	2
%D	1987-1988
%P	87-122

%T	The Minimal Manual
%A	John M. Carroll
%A	Penny L. Smith-Kerker
%A	James R. Ford
%A	Sandra A. Mazur-Rimetz
%V	3
%N	2
%D	1987-1988
%P	123-153

%T	Procedures for Obtaining and Testing User-Selected Terminologies
%A	Charles P. Bloom
%V	3
%N	2
%D	1987-1988
%P	155-177

%T	Construction Kits and Design Environments:
Steps Toward Human Problem-Domain Communication
%A	Gerhard Fischer
%A	Andreas C. Lemke
%V	3
%N	3
%D	1987-1988
%P	179-222

%T	A Keystroke Analysis of Learning and Transfer in Text Editing
%A	Mark K. Singley
%A	John R. Anderson
%V	3
%N	3
%D	1987-1988
%P	223-274

%T	Animation Using Temporal Constraints: An Overview of the Animus System
%A	Robert Adamy Duisberg
%V	3
%N	3
%D	1987-1988
%P	275-307

%T	Analysis of the Cognition Involved in Spreadsheet Software Interaction
%A	Judith Reitman Olson
%A	Erik Nilsen
%V	3
%N	4
%D	1987-1988
%P	309-349

%T	Debugging: An Analysis of Bug-Location Strategies
%A	Irwin R. Katz
%A	John R. Anderson
%V	3
%N	4
%D	1987-1988
%P	351-399

%T	Introduction to this Special Issue on Nonspeech Audio
%A	William Buxton
%V	4
%N	1
%D	1989
%P	1-9

%T	Earcons and Icons: Their Structure and Common Design Principles
%A	Meera M. Blattner
%A	Denise A. Sumikawa
%A	Robert M. Greenberg
%V	4
%N	1
%D	1989
%P	11-44

%T	Soundtrack: An Auditory Interface for Blind Users
%A	Alistair D. N. Edwards
%V	4
%N	1
%D	1989
%P	45-66

%T	The Sonic Finder: An Interface That Uses Auditory Icons
%A	William W. Gaver
%V	4
%N	1
%D	1989
%P	67-94

%T	Testing the Principle of Orthogonality in Language Design
%A	Edward M. Bowden
%A	Sarah A. Douglas
%A	Cathryn A. Stanford
%V	4
%N	2
%D	1989
%P	95-120

%T	Some Lessons From and Exercise in Specification
%A	David M. Frohlich
%A	Paul Luff
%V	4
%N	2
%D	1989
%P	121-147

%T	Does the Medium Make a Difference?
Two Studies of Writing with Pen and Paper and With Computers
%A	Christina Haas
%V	4
%N	2
%D	1989
%P	149-169

%T	A Human Activity Approach to User Interfaces
%A	Susanne Bodker
%V	4
%N	3
%D	1989
%P	171-195

%T	Individual Differences and Conceptual Models in Training Novice Users
%A	Maung K. Sein
%A	Robert P. Bostrom
%V	4
%N	3
%D	1989
%P	197-229

%T	Finding Information on a Menu:
Linking Menu Organization to the User's Goals
%A	Brad Mehlenbacher
%A	Thomas M. Duffy
%A	James Palmer
%V	4
%N	3
%D	1989
%P	231-251

%T	Out of Scandinavia:
Alternative Approaches to Software Design and System Development
%A	Christiane Floyd
%A	Wolf-Michael Mehl
%A	Fanny-Michaela Reisin
%A	Gerhard Schmidt
%A	Gregor Wolf
%V	4
%N	4
%D	1989
%P	253-350

%T	The Acquisition and Performance of Text-Editing Skill:
A Cognitive Complexity Analysis
%A	Susan Bovair
%A	David E. Kieras
%A	Peter G. Polson
%V	5
%N	1
%D	1990
%P	1-48

%T	Specific Versus General Procedures in Instructions
%A	Richard Catrambone
%V	5
%N	1
%D	1990
%P	49-93

%T	Inferring User Expertise for Adaptive Interfaces
%A	Kent P. Vaubel
%A	Charles F. Gettys
%V	5
%N	1
%D	1990
%P	95-117

Name:  Gary Perlman               | Computer and Information Science Department
Email: perlman@cis.ohio-state.edu | Ohio State University, 228 Bolz Hall
Phone: 614-292-2566               | 2036 Neil Avenue Mall
Fax:   614-785-9837 or 292-9021   | Columbus, OH 43210-1277  USA