trejo@nprdc.navy.mil (Leonard J. Trejo) (08/29/90)

	      ____________ ________ __ ____________ __________

	The Training Systems Department of the  Navy  Personnel  Research
   and  Development  Center (NPRDC), in San Diego, is looking for a post-
   doctoral fellow to study cognitive, psychophysical, or  electrophysio-
   logical  bases  of  human performance.  The primary emphasis is on the
   enhancement of human performance in operational military tasks.   How-
   ever, considerable latitude will be given to the candidate in develop-
   ing a research proposal  that  combines  basic  and  applied  research
   goals.   Current  research includes decomposition of human performance
   in complex tasks such as radar and sonar monitoring, aircraft  naviga-
   tion,  and  weapons firing.  Current methods of analysis include reac-
   tion times, accuracy, ROC analysis, evoked potentials, eye  movements,
   and  neural networks.  Planned work includes prediction of performance
   using neural networks, and enhancing adaptive decision aiding  systems
   for  advanced cockpits by using combined behavioral and electrophysio-
   logical measures.

	Excellent laboratory  facilities  are  available,  including  two
   Concurrent/Masscomp  computer  systems,  several  80386  PC systems, a
   Macintosh SE, and extensive hardware and software for data acquisition
   and  analysis.   Access  privileges to VAX 11/780, IBM 4341, and SUN 4
   systems, and the INTERNET network are also available.

	The position is available  through  the  Postdoctoral  Fellowship
   Program  funded  by the U.S. Navy Office of Naval Technology (ONT) and
   administered by the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE).
   Duration of the appointment is for one year, and may be renewed for up
   to two additional years.  Stipends range from $34,000 to  $38,000  per
   annum  depending upon experience.  A relocation allowance may be nego-
   tiated; the amount is based on the personal situation of the  partici-
   pant.  Funds will be available for limited professional travel.

	The successful candidate will have the following qualifications:

	 1.  U. S. Citizenship
	 2.  Ph. D., Sc. D., or equivalent in psychology or neuroscience
	     received not more than 7 years from date of award

       Additional experience desired:
	 1.  Training in cognitive or physiological psychology
	 2.  Experience in artificial intelligence/neural networks
	 3.  Proficiency with UNIX and C programming

	The application deadline is October 1, 1990, for a term beginning
   in December-January 1990-1991.  For information about the ONT Postdoc-
   toral Fellowship Program and an application form, please contact:

       American Society for Engineering Education
       Projects Office
       11 Dupont Circle, Suite 200
       Washington, DC 20036
       (202) 293-7080

	For information about the research program at NPRDC, please  con-

       Dr. Leonard J. Trejo
       Neuroscience Division, Code 141
       Navy Personnel Research and Development Center
       San Diego, CA 92152-6800
       (619) 553-7711

USENET : trejo@nprdc.navy.mil		UUCP:  ucsd!nprdc!trejo

U.S. Mail: Leonard J. Trejo, Ph. D.	Phone: (619) 553-7711
	   Neurosciences Division		(AV) 553-7711
	   NPRDC, Code 141
	   San Diego, CA 92152-6800
(The opinions expressed here are my own, are unofficial, and do not
necessarily reflect the views of the Navy Department.)