[comp.cog-eng] User interfaces

abbott@aerospace.aero.org (Russell J. Abbott) (07/08/89)

We've been trying to find a place to discuss user interfaces to systems.
The focus is intended to be not only the surface-level look-and-feel of
the interface but the cognitive aspects as well.  (Our previous posting
discussed a new front end to Unix that included what we are calling
"intensional directories.")  Is there an active newgroup for this kind
of discussion?


-- Russ Abbott

stewartw@warpdrive.UUCP (Stewart Winter) (07/21/89)

In article <54112@aerospace.AERO.ORG> abbott@itro3.aero.org (Russell J. Abbott) writes:
>the interface but the cognitive aspects as well.  (Our previous posting
>discussed a new front end to Unix that included what we are calling
>"intensional directories.") 

  I am interested in some of the problems with 'intensional directories.'
Around here we have used terms like 'expression folders' and 'computed

  Some of the questions we have about this which we haven't answered seem
very basic. 

1) Can a user move/drop files into a computed folder?  This would have to
change the expression defining the folder.  If not what is good way IN THE
INTERFACE to make it clear that this is not permitted.

2) Defining a computed folder is a problem.  Files and objects can carry
an enormous amount of info around that would be useful in a computation.
(EG.  Have a computed folder which displays the last five files that I
 changed.)  The language that could manage this seems to be in the realm
of a 3GL ... how can we take a step up from there.

I would be interested in seeing other problems with this idea as well as
solutions which have been found.

Stewart Winter                Cognos Incorporated   S-mail: P.O. Box 9707
VOICE: (613) 738-1338 x3830   FAX: (613) 738-0002           3755 Riverside Drive
UUCP: uunet!cognos!stewartw                                 Ottawa, Ontario
"The bird for the day is .... crimson rosella."             CANADA  K1G 3Z4

howard@cs.nps.navy.mil (Rick Howard x2174) (12/20/89)

Merry Christmas,
    I am conducting research about User Interfaces for ICAI systems.  An
interesting book on ICAI systems as a whole is entitled "Intelligent
Tutoring Systems" by D. Sleeman and J. Brown.  In the book are two
articles concerning ICAI user interfaces; one by D. Sleeman & R. Hendley and
the other by M. Miller.
    The book was published in 1982.  The articles I mentioned were written
prior to that.  What I would like to know is if there is any more current
information concerning the systems discussed by Sleeman & Hendley (ACE) and
Miller (Spade-0).
    I would also like to know if these scholars are still located where the
book places them; namely 
     Sleeman - The University, Leeds, U.K.
     Hendley - ""
     Miller  - MIT
    Further, if anyone knows the EMAIL addresses of these individuals, I would
appreciate the information.

   Thanks and have a good holiday!

Richard Howard
1040 Spruance Rd
Monterey, Ca  93940

Aamir.Zakaria@samba.acs.unc.edu (BBS Account) (08/30/90)

I'm doing some research on user interfaces.  I'm exploring solutions to
a problem once referred to as "visual momentum", i.e. the ability to
maintain contextual continuity when going from one screen to another.
David Woods wrote the article which coined the term "visual momentum",
in the International Journal of Man-Machine Studies in 1984.  
I'd like to explore solutions to presenting data in meaningful ways, in ways
which are cognitively intuitive to the user, and which permit the user to
maintain an idea of the general context within which the data is structured.
And I'd like to be able to solve the problem of users getting
lost within complex menu structures.  My application is medical, but these
problems are general ones found in any application area. 

I'm wondering if anyone out there has been thinking about these same issues.
If so, any ideas?  Any good references I can look up?


jim@se-sd.SanDiego.NCR.COM (Jim Ruehlin, Cognitologist domesticus) (09/05/90)

In article <963@beguine.UUCP> Aamir.Zakaria@samba.acs.unc.edu (BBS Account) writes:
>David Woods wrote the article which coined the term "visual momentum",
>in the International Journal of Man-Machine Studies in 1984.  
>I'd like to explore solutions to presenting data in meaningful ways, in ways
>which are cognitively intuitive to the user, and which permit the user to
>maintain an idea of the general context within which the data is structured.

I'm interested in the same issues (for hardware/software diagnosis).  I'd
appreciate a copy of any info you send.  

- Jim Ruehlin