[comp.cog-eng] QUIS data?

jay_l@hpfcdc.HP.COM (Jay Lundell) (09/07/90)

Has anyone collected data using the Questionnaire for User Interface
Satisfaction (QUIS)? I am interested in obtaining information  
regarding external validity of the questionniare and how some "Mac-like"
and "non-Mac-like" applications rate on this scale. I have read the
Chin, Diehl, and Norman (1988) paper that compares DOS and user's favorite
menu driven applications, but I need more detail and more data!

Jay Lundell

jay_l@hpfcdc.HP.COM (Jay Lundell) (09/14/90)

I've had so many requests for the full reference to the QUIS, I thought
I would print it here. It appeared in the CHI '88 Proceedings, pp. 213-219.
The questions used in the QUIS are printed in this paper.

Still waiting for data .... 

Jay Lundell

carm@tove.cs.umd.edu (Richard Chimera) (09/24/90)

Replies to klnorman@umd2.umd.edu, neither he nor I read this bb with


The QUIS:  Questionnaire for User Interaction Satisfaction	

We have received a number of queries regarding the need for a standardized
instrument for assessing user satisfaction with computer interfaces.  The
following information is supplied to help meet that need.

The QUIS was developed in the Human/Computer Interaction Laboratory at the
University of Maryland by Kent Norman and Ben Shneiderman.   The QUIS is
one of the only instruments for assessing user evaluations of interactive
workstations that has proven reliability and validity.  It has been
standardized over a number of applications and research studies.  It is now
available for commercial as well as research use.

The QUIS (Version 5.0) assesses 6 factors of overall reactions to the
system and 21 components that contribute to usability.  The QUIS can
be used in its current form or modified to meet particular research needs.

The QUIS is available in a paper version and two online versions (an MS-DOS
version and a Macintosh HyperCard)

The QUIS has been used in a number of validation studies.The following papers
report on the development of the QUIS and/or on usability studies that have
employed the QUIS.  They are available for $1.00 each.  Please make checks
payable to the University of Maryland

1. Chin, J. P., Diehl, V. A., & Norman, K. L. (1988).  Development of an
instrument measuring user satisfaction of the human-computer interface.  In CHI
'88 Conference Proceedings:  Human Factors in Computing Systems, (pp.
213-218), New York:  Association for Computing Machinery.

2.Chin, J. P., Norman, K. L., & Shneiderman, B. (1987, July).  Subjective user
evaluation of CF Pascal programming tools.  (CAR-TR-304 and CS-TR-1880)
Center for Automation Research, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.

3.Wallace, D. F., Norman, K. L., & Plaisant, C. (1988).  The American Voice
and Robotics Guardian system:  A case study in user interface usability
evaluation.  (CAR-TR-392 and CS-TR-2113)  Center for Automation research,
University ofMaryland, College Park, MD.

QUIS Site License Information

A site license for commercial use of the QUIS by corporations and government
agencies is now available for $500 per year.  A reduced fee ($100) is
available for academic/noncommercial use.  The licensing package includes
the following:

  Two copies of the QUIS paper version (5.0) with the right to make an
unlimited number of copies for use at your site.

  Copies of all HCIL publications pertaining to the use of the QUIS.

  Updates on the QUIS as they become available.

  The MS-DOS version of the QUIS on a 5.25 inch floppy disk with the
right to uses copies on your site.

  The Macintosh HyperCard stackware version of the QUIS on a 3.5
inch disk with the right to uses copies on your site.

The site license gives authorization for unlimited use of the QUIS for
one year. You may copy the entirety of the questionnaire, parts of it,
or revise it for use in evaluation of commercial software/hardware for
usability testing, research, and development.

To receive a sample copy of the QUIS and/or the licensing package and
agreement, contact

Mr. Wayne Swann
Office of Technology Liaison
Lee Building, Room 2114A
University of Marylan
College Park, MD  20742

For more technical information on the QUIS, contact

Dr. Kent L. Norman (301) 405-5924
Department of Psychology
University of Maryland
College Park, MD  20742