[comp.cog-eng] Email addresses wanted

dmark@acsu.buffalo.edu (David Mark) (12/12/90)

I am trying to discover email addresses for the following people
associated with human-computer interaction, user interfaces, cognitive
science, etc.  Any help would be appreciated. 

     Bruce Ballengee, Andersen Consulting
     John Bennett, IBM 
     Walt Bremner, Cal Poly 
     Susan E. Brennan, Psychology, Stanford 
     John Carroll, IBM Watson Research
     Joe Ferreira, MIT 
     Fernado Flores, Loginet 
     Mark Johnson, Philosophy, Southern Illinois
     Brenda Laurel, Apple
     Thomas Moran, Xerox PARC
     S. Joy Mountford, Apple
     Ben Schneiderman, Computer Science, Maryland
     Terry Winograd, Stanford U.
Thanks in advance!

David Mark

bjz@genrad.com (Betty J. Zakheim) (12/13/90)

In article <50734@eerie.acsu.Buffalo.EDU> dmark@acsu.buffalo.edu (David Mark) writes:
>I am trying to discover email addresses for the following people
>associated with human-computer interaction, user interfaces, cognitive
>science, etc.  Any help would be appreciated. 
        [List of names deleted]

Many folks involved in these fields are members of the Human Factors Society.
Their "Directory and Yearbook" includes a list of members along with their 
addresses, phone numbers and email addresses.  Try tracking down a society 
member, looking in the library for this volume, or if all else fails... email
me and I'll look in my directory.

Betty Zakheim	  | (508)369-4400 x3211	      |    Silence is the voice of
GenRad, Inc.	  | bjz@genrad.com            |    complicity.
300 Baker Ave.    | These opinions are my own,|
Concord, MA 01742 | don't sue my employer.    |

dmark@acsu.buffalo.edu (David Mark) (12/14/90)

Thanks to various folks who supplied me either with email addresses I was
looking for, or other hints on how to discover such addresses.  I got
all, or almost all, of the addresses.

David Mark