[comp.cog-eng] Grad Schools in Cognitive Engineering

knoth@en.ecn.purdue.edu (Nicholas D Knoth) (12/15/90)


  I really need some information on grad schools in the Cognitive
Engineering/Intelligent Systems field.

  I'm a senior (2 sems left) in an undergrad program I've been
creating as I went along.  I've integrated CEE (computer engr),
Psychology (basically cognitive) and languages (Span, Fren,
ASL, and poss German).  

  I'm interested in language acquisition, cognitive encoding
and retrieval, intelligent systems, and just about any other
way in which these fields intersect.  If it's not apparent 
here, I'm still uncertain as to long term goals and specific
fields, although I think a PhD is a logical next step.

  If anyone in any of these disciplines can suggest graduate 
schools which have strong cog engr, int systems, etc. programs,
I'd really appreciate your dropping a note to me at...


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The acting one sees upon the stage does not show how human beings /\ From:
comport themselves in crises, but how actors think they ought to. \/  ->Nik<-
It is thus, like poetry and religion, a device for gladdening the /\ knoth@ei,
heart with what is palpably not true. --  H. L. Mencken           \/  en,iies
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