[comp.cog-eng] QUALICO 91 - 2ND CALL FOR PAPERS

ian@utrurt.UUCP (Jan Wender) (01/23/91)

2nd Call for Papers: NEW DEADLINES

September 23 - 27, 1991
University of Trier, Germany
organized by the
GLDV - Gesellschaft fuer Linguistische Datenverarbeitung
(German Society for Linguistic Computing) and
the Editors of "Quantitative Linguistics"

supported by The City of Trier, The University of Trier,
and the following organisations:

QUALICO is being held for the first time as an International Conference 
to demonstrate the state of the art in Quantitative Linguistics. This 
domain of language study and research is gaining considerable interest 
due to recent advances in linguistic modelling, particularly in computational 
linguistics, cognitive science, and developments in mathematics like non-
linear systems theory. Progress in hard- and software technology together
with ease of access to data and numerical processing has provided 
new means of empirical data acquisition and the application of mathematical 
models of adequate complexity.  The German Society for Linguistic 
Computation (Gesellschaft fuer Linguistische Datenverarbeitung - GLDV)
and the editors of 'Quantitative Linguistics' have taken the initiative 
in preparing this conference to take place at the University of Trier, 
in Trier (Germany), September 23rd - 27th, 1991.

In view of the stimulating new developments in Europe and the academic 
world, the organizers' aim is to encourage and promote mutual exchange 
of ideas in this field of interest which has been limited in the past.
Challanging advances in interdisciplinary quantitative analyses, numerical
modelling and experimental simulations from different linguistic domains
will be reported on by the following keynote speakers: Gabriel Altmann 
(Bochum, Germany), Michail V. Arapov (Moskau, USSR) (pending acceptance),
Hans Goebl (Salzburg, Austria), Mildred L.G. Shaw (Calgary, Canada),
John S. Nicolis (Patras, Greece), Kenneth W. Church (Marina del Rey, USA).

The International Program Committee invites communications (long papers: 
20 minutes plus 10; short papers: 15 minutes plus 5; demonstrations 
and posters) on basic research and development as well as on operational 
applications of Quantitative Linguistics, including - but not limited 
to - the following topics:

A. Methodology
1. Theory Construction - 2. Measurement, Scaling - 3. Taxonomy, Categorizing 
- 4.Simulation - 5. Statistics, Probabilistic Modells, Stochastic
Processes - 6. Fuzzy Theory: Possibilistic Modells - 7. Language and 
Grammar Formalisms - 8. Systems Theory: Cybernetics and Information 
Theory, Synergetics, New Connectionism

B. Linguistic Analysis and Modelling
1. Phonetics - 2. Phonemics - 3. Morphology - 4. Syntax - 5. Semantics 
- 6. Pragmatics - 7.Lexicology - 8. Dialectology - 9. Typology
- 10. Text and Discourse - 11. Semiotics

C. Applications
1. Speech Recognition and Synthesis - 2.Text Analysis and Generation
- 3.Language Acquisition and Teaching - 4.Text Understanding
and Knowledge Representation 

Authors are asked to submit extended abstracts (1500 words; 4 copies) 
of their papers in one of the conference's working languages (English,
German) not later than February 28, 1991 to:

QUALICO - The Program Committee
University of Trier
P.O.Box 3825
D-5500 TRIER

UUCP:    qualico@utrurt.uucp.de
or:      ..!unido!utrurt!qualico

Notice of acceptance will be given by June 30, 1991; and full
versions of invited and accepted papers (camera-ready) are due by 
September 27, 1991, i.e. during the conference, for which
the collected abstracts of accepted papers will be available
for the attendants. The QUALICO-Proceedings will be produced immediately
after the conference and shall be published before the end of the year.
This '2nd Call for Papers' is distributed world-wide in order to reach
researchers active in universities and industry.

The oldest city in Germany, founded 16 b.C. by the Romans as Augusta 
Treverorum in the Mosel valley is situated now in the most Western 
region of Germany near both the French and Luxembourgian border.In 
the center of Europe this ancient city will host the participants 
of QUALICO at the University of Trier, surrounded by the vineyards 
of the Mosel-Saar-Ruwer wine district at vintage beginning. The excursion 
day scheduled midway through the conference (September 25, 1991) will 
provide an opportunity to visit points of historical interest in the 
city and its vicinity during a boat-trip on the Mosel river.

Chair: B.B. Rieger, University of Trier
S. Embleton, University of York,
D. Gibbon, University of Bielefeld
R. Grotjahn, University of Bochum
J. Haller, IAI Saarbruecken
P. Hellwig, University of Heidelberg
E. Hopkins, University of Bochum
J. Kindermann, GMD Bonn-St.Augustin
U. Klenk, University of Goettingen
R. Koehler, University of Trier
J.P. Koester, University of Trier
J. Krause, University of Regensburg
W. Lehfeldt, University of Konstanz
W. Lenders, University of Bonn
C. Lischka, GMD Bonn-St.Augustin
W. Matthaeus, University of Bochum
R.G. Piotrowski, University of Leningrad
D. Roesner, FAW Ulm
G. Ruge, Siemens AG, Muenchen
B. Schaeder, University of Siegen
H. Schnelle, University of Bochum
J. Sambor, University of Warsaw

Chair: R. Koehler, University of Trier

Early registration
(paid before July 31, 1991): DM 300,- 
- Members of supporting organizations  DM 250,-
- Students (without Proceedings) DM 150,-

(paid after July 31, 1991): DM 400,-
- Members of supporting organizations  DM 350,-
- Students (without Proceedings) DM 250,-

------------------------------DETACH HERE------------------------------------

I am interested in QUALICO               Mr./Ms./Dr./Prof.
and would like to submit a               Family Name: ______________________
paper on the following                   First Name: _______________________
topic(s):                                Affiliation: ______________________
					 Address: __________________________
					 City: _____________________________
A:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8               Country: __________________________
					 Zip/Postal: _______________________
B:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11    E-mail: ___________________________
					 Phone: ____________________________
C:  1  2  3  4

(Working) title of my paper:                    Date, Signature:

__________________________________________      ............................

| Jan Wender (ian@utrurt, ..!unido!utrurt!ian)
| FB II Linguistische Datenverarbeitung (Computational Linguistics)
| Universitaet Trier, West Germany
|                                                   May the farce be with You.