[comp.cog-eng] ANNOUNCING - CHI91 workshop on Problems of Size

usenet@bellcore.bellcore.com (Poster of News) (02/21/91)

Please post, and forward to interested parties...

              April 28 & 29, 1991   New Orleans, LA

                     SIZE AND COMPLEXITY PROBLEMS 
                        INFORMATION WORLDS 

                Organizer: George Furnas, Bellcore

From hypertext to data-visualization, artificial worlds have grown to
the point where size itself presents a serious human interface problem
for access, navigation, and conceptualization.  The result is a
bottleneck limiting our ability to use the rich information resources
that are being assembled at considerable cost.

This workshop will explore the special interface problems resulting
from increased size and consequent complexity, and discuss the various
strategies that might help.  Areas where these problems arise include:
hypertext navigation, network and graph layout, large documents, data
visualization, automatic text generation (short answers from large
knowledge bases), large databases, video collections, etc.  From
within these areas, various techniques have begun to emerge,
including: zooms, fisheyes, customized views, multiple linked views,
brushing, section, projection, filtering, elision, culling, animation,
clustering, and history mechanisms. 

The planned two-day interdisciplinary workshop will bring together
about 10-15 researchers working on various techniques in these diverse
domains.  The first day will focus on half-hour presentations by
participants on their own positions and research.  The second day will
begin with an hour or two of discussant and summary presentations
followed by general discussion.  The goals will be (in order of
increasing ambitiousness), (1) simply to share insights and
strategies, (2) attempt to structure the set of problems (perhaps via
a taxonomy), (3) to work towards a theory of what underlies them, and
enables their solutions.  One might also hope, through (2) and (3), to
discover new techniques.

Attendance at the workshop is limited. If you are actively working on
this topic, and would like to be considered for participation please

(A) REQUIRED: a 500-1000 word position paper. This might, for example,
be a general framework you would currently advocate for thinking about
problems of size, a new technique you are working on, or some new
methodology for investigating the problems.

(B) REQUIRED: a brief summary of your own background and interest in
the subject. Please include, as appropriate, background training
(e.g., computer science, statistics, psychology, graphics design,...),
application areas worked on, strategies explored, other related work
or publications you have.

(C) OPTIONAL: a list of three favorite papers deemed relevant to the
topic, from your perspective, preferably: 1. a favorite general
discussion paper, 2. a favorite paper specific to a technique or
application area, 3. a favorite more obscure paper on the topic.
These submissions will be used to compile an interdisciplinary

The position papers of selected participants will be sent to those
invited, and the compiled bibliography will be sent to ALL applicants.

Position papers are due by March 15, 1991.  Notification of acceptance
will be given in week following.  


            PAPER MAIL: George Furnas
                          CHI'91 Size and Complexity Workshop
                        Bellcore, Room 2M397
                        445 South St. 
                        Morristown, NJ 07960 USA

                 EMAIL: gwf@bellcore.com  ***** EMAIL PREFERRED *****

                   TEL: (201)829-4289
                   FAX: (201)538-9093