[comp.cog-eng] More Info on HCI Bibliography

perlman@giza.cis.ohio-state.edu (Gary Perlman) (02/21/91)

The release has gone relatively smoothly.  Since February 10, the unabstracted
INTERACT'84 and both ACM Hypertext Conferences have been released, mostly
thanks to Jakob Nielsen.  The contents of ACM Transactions on Information
Systems will soon be available, at first without abstracts, thanks to a
donation from its editor, Bob Allen.  HCI Bib nears 1000 entries.

Some people have requested the numeric internet address of cis.ohio-state.edu.
You can access the HCI Bibliography at:

Some people have asked how to volunteer to do some work.  It's easy!
Send mail to hcibib@cis.ohio-state.edu, and make the first line of the message:
To contribute data, send mail to the same address with the first line:
To send corrections, same address, first line:
To get mail updates, register yourself, same address, first line:
Name:  Gary Perlman               | Computer and Information Science Department
Email: perlman@cis.ohio-state.edu | Ohio State University, 228 Bolz Hall
Phone: 614-292-2566               | 2036 Neil Avenue Mall
Fax:   614-785-9837 or 292-9021   | Columbus, OH 43210-1277  USA