[comp.cog-eng] Request for help with HCI Bibliography

perlman@giza.cis.ohio-state.edu (Gary Perlman) (03/04/91)

Lots of people are picking up the HCI Bibliography files, many are
registering, some are sending suggestions, but I see no new volunteers!
We currently have 994 records released, 475 with abstracts, and 65 with
tables of contents, and about 200 more records in the pipeline.

The following is our priority list of materials to get online.
We would like you to donate your time and data, if you have any.
We need your donated time to check the materials that we have online,
and we need your online versions of materials (most formats are ok).

We would like to thank Jakob Nielsen, Bob Allen, and Karen Ward
for their contributions of hundreds of entries.

Short term, here is what we could use:

  Volunteer validators (you need the publication and 5-10 hours of effort):
	"CHI'82" - proceedings of the 0-eth CHI (Gaithersburg Conference)
		we have the abstracted bibliography ready for validation
	CSCW'90 - Computer-Supported Cooperative Work
		we have the abstracted bibliography ready for validation
	Hypertext'87 or Hypertext'89
		we have the abstracted bibliography ready for validation

  Volunteer data entry (you need the publication and a chunk of time)
	CSCW'86 and CSCW'88 - 33 and 32 papers, respectively, we have basic info
		we have the basic bibliography and could use 
	UIST conferences
	TOIS - ACM Transactions on Information Systems
		we have basic information, but need abstracts
	INTERACT'84 and INTERACT'87 (over 150 articles each!)
		we have basic information, but need abstracts
  For the above, if you have individual abstracts, mail them to us.

Longer term, we are looking for "area editors" who will take charge
of such areas as CSCW, Hypertext, Empirical studies of programming,
or specific publications, such as TOIS, IJMMS, BIT, etc.
We recently received permission from Ablex Publishing
to provide free extended bibliographies of:
	International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction
	Cognitive Science
If you have large chunks of these, or would like to provide them,
get in touch with us.

Finally, we would like to get hold of the proceedings for the CHI'91
conference so that we can distribute its online extended records at
the conference.  So far, we have not been successful at contacting the
right parties (email to the Olson's do not seem to get answered).

Send your mail to: hcibib@cis.ohio-state.edu.
Volunteers should indicate what they are willing to work on
	and begin their messages with the line:
Contributors (of records) should begin their messages with the line:

Yes, it is easier to sit back and wait for things to appear without your help,
but lots of people will benefit from your efforts if you volunteer your time.
It is especially appropriate for HCI groups in universities
to get involved; the students associated with these should be more
involved with the HCI literature!
Name:  Gary Perlman               | Computer and Information Science Department
Email: perlman@cis.ohio-state.edu | Ohio State University, 228 Bolz Hall
Phone: 614-292-2566               | 2036 Neil Avenue Mall
Fax:   614-785-9837 or 292-9021   | Columbus, OH 43210-1277  USA