[comp.cog-eng] cfp for CHI '91 participatory design workshop

riander@PacBell.COM (Richard I Anderson) (03/07/91)

Posted at Michael's request: (yes, tis a little late, but perhaps that fact
will impact Michael if you desire to participate and March 7 has come and

                     Call for Participation:

                      -- CHI'91 Workshop --
Participatory Design:  Practical Stories and Stories of Practice

DESCRIPTION: Participatory design work tends to be informal,
difficult to assess, and highly contextualized and situated.
Results are sometimes difficult to report or publish.  This leads
to a pattern of geographically local sharing of experiences
through informal information exchanges.

This workshop provides an opportunity for participatory design
practitioners to share their experiences, with the two goals of
(a) developing a taxonomy of participatory design techniques,
including a preliminary analysis of appropriate settings and
applications, and (b) developing a more global network of
practitioners.  The form of the workshop and of preparations for
the workshop will encourage the desired information exchange.

The workshop will be held on Monday 29 April at the CHI'91
meeting in New Orleans LA, at the Sheraton New Orleans.

HOW TO PARTICIPATE: Participation will be by invitation only.  To
apply, please submit THREE copies each of the following TWO types
of materials:

  1.  A position paper describing your applied work in
      participatory design.  This need not be formal or
      "research." What is important is that the work tells a
      story about how participatory design techniques were used,
      and what you learned from their use.  What would be of
      value to tell other practitioners?  Limit:  2000 words.

  2.  One or more questions that you would like to propose to
      other workshop participations about their use of
      participatory design.

All members of the workshop committee will review all

PREPARATION FOR THE WORKSHOP: All invited participants will
receive the position papers and questions submitted by other
participants.  Each participant will be expected to make a brief
presentation of her or his own work, directed in part toward
answering one or more of the questions submitted by those other
participants.  We anticipate the use of overheads, slides, and
VHS videotapes as optional parts of peoples' presentations.

DATES: Submissions are due by 7 March 1991.  Notifications and
materials will be mailed out by 18 March 1991.


Michael J. Muller
Bellcore  Room RRC-1H229
444 Hoes Lane
Piscataway NJ 08854 US
+1 908 699 4892
+1 908 699 0992 (fax)