tauber@uni-paderborn.de (Michael Tauber) (03/15/91)
INSTITUT FUER INFORMATIK, JOHANNES KEPLER UNIVERSITY LINZ in cooperation with the EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION FOR COGNITIVE ERGONOMICS (EACE) COGNITIVE ASPECTS OF VISUAL LANGUAGES AND VISUAL INTERFACES 10th Interdisciplinary Workshop on "Informatics and Psychology" Time: 21 - 23 May, 1991 Place: Kammer fuer Gewerbliche Wirtschaft, Schaerding, Austria STEERING COMMITTEE: Roland Traunmueller, University of Linz, Austria Michael J. Tauber, University of Paderborn, Germany Gerrit C. van der Veer, Free University Amsterdam, The Netherlands PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Dirk Mahling, German Artificial Intelligence Research Center, Germany Gabriele Rohr, IBM Entwicklungslabor Boeblingen, Germany Michael J. Tauber, University of Paderborn, Germany Yvonne Waern, University of Stockholm, Sweden PROGRAM Monday, 20 May, 20.00 Informal meeting in the "Gasthaus zur Stiege" Tuesday, 21 May, 9.00 - 10.00 Registration in the "Kammer fuer Gewerbliche Wirtschaft" Tuesday, 21 May, 10.00 - 13.00 SESSION: GENERAL ASPECTS Gerrit C. van der Veer Free University Amsterdam, The Netherlands Mental models of computer systems: Visual languages in the mind Dirk Mahling DFKI Kaiserslautern, Germany Cognitive systems engineering, visualization, and spatial reasoning Tuesday, 21 May, 14.00 - 18.00 SESSION: GENERAL ASPECTS John Rheinfrank, Shelly Evenson and Wendie Wulff EDL-FRS, Columbus, USA Design as common ground Gabriele Rohr IBM Entwicklungslabor Boeblingen, Germany Searching something nearby or alike - Principles of task oriented visualization and navigation techniques SESSION: VISUAL EXPLANATIONS Alistair G. Sutcliffe and J. Darzentas City University of London, United Kingdom University of the Aegean, Athens, Greece Use of visual media in explanation Thomas Strothotte and Peter W. Fach Free University Berlin, Germany Cognitive maps: A basis for designing user manuals for direct manipulation interfaces Tuesday, 21 May, 20.00 Conference Dinner (Gasthaus Forstinger) Wednesday, 22 May, 9.30 - 12.30 SESSION: USER INTERFACE SPECIFICATION, VISUAL INTERACTION LANGUAGE Matthias Schneider-Hufschmidt Siemens AG, Munich, Germany Prototyping of static and dynamic user interface properties by direct manipulation Farah Arefi, Masoud Milani and Christian Stary Florida International University, USA A visual language for task-oriented user interface specification F. Penz, M. Manhartsberger and M. Tscheligi University of Vienna, Austria The world of objects - A visual object oriented interaction language Wednesday, 22 May, 14.30 - 22.00 Trip to the Stift Reichersberg (baroque monastery) Dinner in a "Heuriger" (typical and famous Austrian restaurant) Thursday, 23 May, 9.00 - 13.00 SESSION: PROGRAMMING Andreas Schoberth University of Erlangen, Germany Event handling in a demand driven language, preserving single assignment David Temple and Steve Guest Loughborough University of Technology, United Kingdom Diagrammatic techniques for the visualisation of object oriented programming Steve Guest and Jiri Polak Loughborough University of Technology, United Kingdom Charles University of Prague, Czechoslowakia A tool for visually realising the dataflow programming paradigm Joseph P. Loyall and Simon M. Kaplan University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Visual expression of concurrent systems Thursday, 23 May, 14.30 - 18.00 SESSION: DATA BASES Steve Charles and Steve Scrivener Loughborough University of Technology, United Kingdom Using depictive queries to search pictorial databases Dan Shapiro, John Hughes, David Randall and Richard Harper University of Lancaster, United Kingdom Visual re-representation of 'database' information: The flight data strip in air traffic control CLOSING SESSION Tim Dudley Northern Bell, Canada Visual languages: Why are we having so much trouble? Closing CONFERENCE FEE Austrian Schilling 2.500,-- for Members of EACE Austrian Schilling 2.800,-- others The conference fee includes refreshments, conference dinner, trip, and the "Heurigen"-dinner. It includes also a preprint of the papers presented at the conference. FOR FURTHER INFORMATIONS PLEASE CONTACT Michael J. Tauber University of Paderborn, FB 17 Warburgerstr. 100 D-4790 Paderborn Germany Phone: +49 (5251) 60 2637 FAX: +49 (5251) 60 3836 email: tauber@uni-paderborn.de or Dirk E. Mahling DFKI University of Kaiserslautern Postfach 2080 D-6750 Kaiserslautern Germany Phone: +49 (631) 205 3502 FAX: +49 (631) 205 3210 email: mahling@informatik.uni-kl.de ============================================================================== REGISTRATION FORM Member of EACE: __ AS 2.500,-- Non-members: __ AS 2.800,-- The registration fee includes attendance at the conference, preprints of the papers, refreshments, conference dinner, Heurigen-dinner, and the trip. Payment was made by: ___ Cheque enclosed ___ Transferred The conference fee can be transferred to Workshop Schaerding (account name) 2600-008508 (account number) Sparkasse Muehlviertel-West (name of the bank) A-4190 Bad Leonfelden, Austria (address of the bank) BLZ 20 334 (Bankleitzahl, id of the bank) PLEASE INDICATE PARTICIPANTS NAME(S) AND INSTITUTE/COMPANY ON THE CHEQUE ! Name: ......................................... Institution: .................................. Date: ....................................... Signature: ................................................................ PLEASE SEND THIS FORM TO Prof. Dr. Roland Traunmueller Institut fuer Informatik Johannes Kepler Universitaet Linz A-4040 Linz Austria ============================================================================== ACCOMMODATION RESERVATION FORM Please send this form directly to Tourismusverband Schaerding Unterer Stadtplatz 1 A-4780 Schaerding Austria NAME: .......................................................... Name ADRESSE: ....................................................... Address ANKUNFTSTAG: .................. Day of Arrival ABREISETAG: ................... Day of Departure ICH BESTELLE: ............... EINZELZIMMER / single rooms(s) I wish to order ............... ZWEIBETTZIMMER / double room(s) PREIS-KATEGORIE o A = AS 450,-- - AS 600,-- Price category o B = AS 350,-- - AS 450,-- Preiskategorie A + B mit Bad/Dusche/WC Price category A + B with bath/shower/WC o C = AS 200,-- - AS 300,-- Preiskategorie C ohne Bad/Dusche/WC Price category C without bath/shower/WC Die Preise beinhalten Uebernachtung mit Fruehstueck pro Person/Tag. The prices include accommodation and breakfast per person and night --------------------- Datum/date ------------------------------------ Unterschrift/signature ============================================================================= HOW TO TRAVEL TO SCHAERDING Schaerding is a small famous baroque town in the north of Austria (Upper Austria / Oberoesterreich). It is located at the river Inn about 20 km south of the town Passau where the Inn goes into the river Danube (Donau). Please note that "Schaerding" is not the exact spelling. The "ae" has to be replaced by the German "Umlaut a" which is an "a" with two dots above the "a". Airports next to Schaerding are Munich, Salzburg, and Linz. Also Vienna can be taken. From Munich go trains about every two hours to Passau. There are a few trains from Passau to Schaerding departing in Passau at the following times: 9.40, 12.49, 14.51, 15.22, 15.44, 17.53, and 20.39. If you want to go from Passau to Schaerding later than 20.39 hrs you have to take a taxi. The distance to Schaerding is about 20 kilometers. From Salzburg you have to take a train to Vienna and change for Schaerding in Wels. There are the following connections from Salzburg to Schaerding: Salzburg 6.34 9.46 10.40 11.40 14.40 16.40 19.40 21.06 Wels 8.23 11.42 12.18 13.19 16.16 18.03 21.30 23.42 Schaerding 9.15 12.34 12.56 14.14 16.59 19.17 22.15 00.24 For some connections, there is a waiting time of more than 30 minutes up to 50 minutes in Wels. From Linz to Schaerding, the following train connections are available. Some of them can be used also from Vienna if one decides to fly to Vienna or to visit Vienna before the conference. Vienna 8.56 10.15 14.05 19.00 21.20 Linz 8.06 11.24 12.02 13.00 15.59 18.03 21.13 23.23 Schaerding 9.15 12.34 12.56 14.14 16.59 19.17 22.15 00.24 ================================================================= Michael J. Tauber University of Paderborn, Germany tauber@uni-paderborn.de