[comp.cog-eng] Corrected Instructions to Access the HCI Bibliography

perlman@giza.cis.ohio-state.edu (Gary Perlman) (03/22/91)

I apologize to those of you who had problems accessing the HCI Bibliography
via anonymous ftp.  I was given information that made me give you a
symbolic machine name that only worked most of the time.  Instead of:
please use ftp to access:
Full revised instructions follow.

Internet/Anonymous FTP Access:  To access files in the HCI Bibliography,
internet users can use FTP (file-transfer-protocol) to copy files and programs
to their machines.  See the file named README for more information about the
contents of files and for information about how to contact publishers of the
works.  To log in to the archive machine, use the login name: "anonymous" and
provide your internet account name as your password.  The messages provided by
ftp are unbelievably cryptic; many users can not distinguish between positive
feedback and messages about unrecoverable errors, so ignore them and plod
along.  In the following example, where much of the output from ftp is left
out, the following conventions are used.
     "$" is your system's prompt
     text after "#" is a comment
     you type in text after the ":" and the ">"
     "ftp>" is the prompt from the file transfer program
File transfer rates will vary, so try something small first.

$ mkdir mybib                   # make a directory where you will keep your copy
$ cd mybib                      # set transfer directory before ftp
$ ftp cheops.cis.ohio-state.edu # to reach our archive; obscure text will follow
Name (...): anonymous           # user logs in with standard anon ftp name
Password: yourname@yoursite     # use your name and your site for identification
ftp> cd pub/hcibib              # go to HCI Bibliography directory
ftp> dir                        # to get a listing of what's there
ftp> get README                 # to retrieve a file
ftp> prompt                     # to toggle (turn off) interactive prompting
ftp> mget *                     # interactively retrieve all files
ftp> quit                       # to leave ftp when done
Name:  Gary Perlman               | Computer and Information Science Department
Email: perlman@cis.ohio-state.edu | Ohio State University, 228 Bolz Hall
Phone: 614-292-2566               | 2036 Neil Avenue Mall
Fax:   614-785-9837 or 292-9021   | Columbus, OH 43210-1277  USA