dieng@picsou.inria.fr (Rose Dieng) (04/17/91)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROGRAM of the International Conference on Knowledge Modeling and Expertise transfer (KMET'91) Sophia-Antipolis, French Riviera, April 22-24, 1991 With the sponsorship of ARC, AFCET, CNRS, INRIA, UNSA The aim of the conference is to examine the requirements of specific knowledge representation models to facilitate the expertise transfer in two directions i.e man-machine and machine-man. TOPICS - Modeling of reasoning and knowledge - Man-machine transfer : knowledge acquisition, machine learning, etc. - Machine-man transfer : explanations, ITS, etc. - Contribution of Human Sciences : Linguistics, Cognitive Psychology, etc. PROGRAM COMMITTEE J.P. Angoujard, LLAOR, Sophia-Antipolis, Fr. C. Bastien, Univ. of Provence, Fr. J.H. Boose, Boeing ATC, Seattle, USA M. Borillo, LSI, Toulouse, Fr. E. Chouraqui, GRTC, Marseille, Fr. M. Chein, CRIM, Montpellier, Fr. J. Mc Dermott, DEC, Marlborough, USA R. Dieng, INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, Fr. G. Fauconnie, USCD, San Diego, USA F. Fogelman Soulie, LRI, Orsay, Fr. C. Frasson, UdM, Montreal, Canada M. Grandbastien, CRIN, Nancy, Fr. D. Herin-Aime, I3s-LISAN, Sophia-Antipolis, Fr. Y. Kodratoff, LRI, Orsay, Fr. & George Mason Univ., USA R. Mizoguchi, Osaka Univ., Japan H. Motoda, Hitachi Ltd, Japan J. Pitrat, LAFORIA, Paris, Fr. J.P. Regourd, I3S-LISAN & URL9, Nice, Fr. J. Self, Lancaster Univ., England M. Vivet, Univ. du Maine, Le Mans, Fr. KMET'91 is scientifically organized by Research Laboratories of the European Technopole of Sophia-Antipolis : Aerospatiale-Cannes Digital Equipment Corporation ENSMP (Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Paris) I3S-LISAN (Computer Science Laboratory of the University and CNRS) INRIA (Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique) LAPGAN (Psychology Laboratory of the University) LLAOR (Linguistics Laboratory of the University and CNRS) Telemecanique Electrique ORGANIZING COMMITTEE J.P. Angoujard, LLAOR T. Bisson, LAPGAN R. Dieng, INRIA J. Doussy, Telemecanique Electrique G. Mc Gregor, DEC D. Herin-Aime, I3S-LISAN P. Marcenac, I3S-LISAN M. Mortelette, Aerospatiale, Cannes J.P. Regourd, I3S-LISAN & URL9, Nice B. Trousse, INRIA J.L. Wybo, ENSMP ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- KMET'91 PROGRAM Monday 22, April 1991 : Knowledge Modeling Conferences 14h : Egedi D. Learning through Metaphor Duke University, Durham,USA 14h30 Pigamo F., Bonnet A. Construction automatique de graphes semantiques Telecom., Paris, France 15h Tisseau G. Integration de differentes formes de connaissances et de raisonnement dans le systeme de modelisation Modelis Univ. Paris 6, LAFORIA, Paris, France 15h30 Lelouche R., Doublait S. Automatic Tactics Acquisition during a Problem-Solving Task using Abstraction levels Univ. de Laval, Quebec, Canada 16h Reynaud C. La ou les problemes d'acquisition des connaissances et d'explications se rejoignent Univ. Paris-Sud, LRI, Orsay, France 16h30 - 17h : Break Panel 17h : Bourelly L., Savelli J. Vers une modelisation de l'inference analogique GRTC, CNRS, Marseille, France 17h10 Zarri GP. Using the Descriptive Component of a hybrid Knowledge Representation Language in order to Model Real-World Events CNRS-CERTAL, INALCO, Paris, France 17h20 Godbert E. Construction et classification de concepts definis dans un reseau semantique GRTC, CNRS, Marseille, France 17h30 Marie M., Nicolle-Adam A., Villemin D. MARACO : Un mecanisme d'apprentissage sur des representations par objets en chimie organique Univ. de Caen, ISMRa Caen, France 17h40 - 18h20 : Discussions ---- Tuesday 23rd April 1991 : Human Machine Transfer Conferences 9h : Aussenac N., Frontin J., Soubie JL. Evolution d'une representation des connaissances pour l'acquisition ARAMIIHS, Matra-Espace, Toulouse, France 9h30 Pintado M. Apprentissage par analsye de solution - Application a la geometrie elementaire IBM, Univ. Paris 6, LAFORIA, Paris, France 10h Alem L., Maher M.L. Using Conceptual Clustering to Learn about Function, structure and Behavior in Design Univ. of Sydney, Australia 10h30 Sandberg JAC, Barnard YF. Learning with a learning system : A functional model of expertise transfer Univ. of Amsterdam, The Netherlands 11h - 11h30 : Break Panel 11h30 : Karbach W., Woss A., Schuckey R., Drouven U. MODEL-K : Prototyping at the Knowledge Level SANKT Augustin, Germany 11h40 Caviedes JE. Tool for Visualizing Expert decision Making in Troubleshooting Knowledge Bases Philips Labs, New York, USA 11h50 Collard P., Biondi J., Cavarero JL. Reflection Principle in Discriminant Learning Univ. de Nice-Sophia-Antipolis, I3S, Valbonne, France 12h Escudie JL., Marcovitch J., Massip C., Pomian J. YAKEM : Yet Another Knowledge Engineering Methodology Renault, Boulogne Billancourt, France 12h10 Napoli A., Laurenco C., Ducournau R. Techniques de classification pour modeliser la synthese de molecules organiques Univ. B. Pascal Strasbourg, CRIM Montpellier, SEMA Group, France 12h20 - 13h : Discussions ---- Tuesday 23rd April 1991 : Machine Human Transfer Conferences 14h : Py D. Reconnaissance de plan pour la modelisation de l'apprenant IRISA, Rennes, France 14h30 Baumewerd-Ahlmann A., Jaschek J., Kalinski J., Lehmkuhl H. Embedding Explanations into Model-Based Knowledge Engineering - Improved Decision Support in Environmental Impact Assessment Univ. of Dortmund, Germany 15h Veillette M., Marcos B., Therien L., Bourget F., Lapointe J. Modelisation du Diagnostic et des Strategies d'intervention dans un Tutoriel Intelligent Univ. of Sherbrooke, Quebec 15h30 Chouvet MP., Haton MC. Influence du transfert et de la mode'lsiation de l'expertise sur l'expertise elle-me^me : discussion autour d'une experience CRIN, Nancy, France 16h - 16h30 : Break Panel 16h30 : Peyralbe C. Domain Models for Industrial Training ALCATEL, Lab. de Marcoussis, France 16h40 Lemaire B., Safar B. An architecture for representing explanatory reasoning Univ. Paris-Sud, LRI, ORSAY, France 16h50 Paquette G. Le role des metaconnaisasnces dans LOUTI, un generateur d'environnements d'apprentissage Tele-Univ. du Quebec, Montreal, Quebec 17h Bunt H. Belief Representation and Intelligent Communication Le Tilburg - The Netherlands 17h10 De Haan A., Oppenhuizen CJ. Learning in a Human-Computer Dialogue Univ. of Groningen, The Netherlands 17h20 - 18h : Discussions ---- Wednesday 24rd April 1991 : Human Sciences Conferences 9h : Bonnardel N. L'evaluation de solutions dans la resolution de problemes de conception et dans les systemes experts critiques INRIA-Rocquencourt, Le Chesnay, France 9h30 Descles JP., Jouis C., Oh HG., Reppert D. Exploration contextuelle et Semantique : un systeme expert qui trouve les valeurs semantiques des temps de l'indicatif dans un texte CAMS, EHESS, Univ. Paris-Sorbonne, France 10h Condamines A., Saint-Dizier P. Towards an Environment for the incremental Acquisition of Lexical Semantics Data Univ. P. Sabatier, IRIT, Toulouse, France 10h30 Romary L. Integration of spatial and temporal information produced by a natural language discourse CRIN, Nancy, France 11h - 11h30 : Break Panel 11h30 : Candelaria de Ram S. From Sensors to Concepts : Pragmasemantics System Constructivity New Mexico Univ., Las Cruces, USA 11h40 Poitou JP., Chabot R. Vers un outil de gestion des conaissances Univ. de Provence, CREPCO, Aix, France 11h50 Estival D. Declarativeness and Linguistic Theory Univ. de Geneve, ISSCO, Suisse 12h Guin D Modelisation de la comprehension d'enonces additifs a l'aide d'operateurs Univ. de Strasbourg, France 12h10 Berrendonner A., Rouault J. Semantique des objets Univ. de Fribourg, Suisse 12h20 - 13h : Discussions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION : General correspondence on KMET'91 may be sent to : KMET'91 Universite de Nice - Sophia-Antipolis, CNRS, I3S-LISAN Daniele Herin-Aime, Bat. 4, rue A. Einstein, 06560 Valbonne, France Fax : (33) 92 94 28 98 Tel : (33) 67 63 50 65 or 67 63 04 60 E-mail : dh@essi.cerisi.fr or dh@crim.crim.fr Registration information requests must be directed to : Laurie Madier Digital Equipment Corporation Les Algorithmes Sophia-Antipolis BP 129, 06560 VALBONNE CEDEX FRANCE Phone : (33) 92 95 50 14 Fax : (33) 93 65 41 58 SOCIAL EVENTS : A conference banquet will take place on Tuesday 23 in the evening. You should register in advance for this dinner (see registration form, or contact Laurie Madier for more information). CONFERENCE LOCATION The conference will be held in premises of the Ecole des Mines in Sophia-Antipolis near Nice on the French Riviera. The matchless setting of Sophia-Antipolis International Technopole accomodates the greatest names of the Hi-Tech Industry.