[comp.cog-eng] CFP SPL ISSUE OF JOC

abw@emx.utexas.edu (Andrew B. Whinston) (03/21/91)

               Call for contributions
                 to a special issue
                  on DIGITAL JOURNALS

Be they societies, participants in a field of study, or research 
departments, scientific organizations thrive on the creation and 
dissemination of knowledge. Traditionally, peer review journals 
have been a major means for filtering, stimulating, qualifying, 
and distributing scientific knowledge. Given the growth in 
science, journals, and computing technology, the issue of using 
that technology to supplement conventional journals is an 
important one for enhancing productivity in scientific 
organizations. A major focus in exploring this issue is the 
conception, design, implementation, utilization, and evaluation of 
digital journals: computer based means for filtering, stimulating, 
qualifying, and distributing scientific knowledge.

To further the state of knowledge about digital journals, the 
JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL COMPUTING is soliciting contributions to 
a special issue. These contributions might address such topics as 
digital journal technology (specially group technology), economic, 
impacts, administration, multi-media presentation, quality 
control, customization, and their relationship to collaborators.

Outlines of original manuscripts should be submitted to the editor 
(Prof. Andrew B. Whinston abw@emx.utexas.edu)

abw@emx.utexas.edu (Andrew B. Whinston) (04/24/91)

Enclosed is the corrected CFP for the special issue of the journal of 
Organizational Computing. The date for submissions is Janauary 15, 1992
not January 15, 1991 as was originally posted.

Thanks to all those who pointed out the error.

Andrew Whinston

               Call for contributions
                 to a special issue
                  on DIGITAL JOURNALS

Be they societies, participants in a field of study, or research 
departments, scientific organizations thrive on the creation and 
dissemination of knowledge. Traditionally, peer review journals 
have been a major means for filtering, stimulating, qualifying, 
and distributing scientific knowledge. Given the growth in 
science, journals, and computing technology, the issue of using 
that technology to supplement conventional journals is an 
important one for enhancing productivity in scientific 
organizations. A major focus in exploring this issue is the 
conception, design, implementation, utilization, and evaluation of 
digital journals: computer based means for filtering, stimulating, 
qualifying, and distributing scientific knowledge.

To further the state of knowledge about digital journals, the 
JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL COMPUTING is soliciting contributions to 
a special issue. These contributions might address such topics as 
digital journal technology (specially group technology), economic, 
impacts, administration, multi-media presentation, quality 
control, customization, and their relationship to collaborators.

Outlines of original manuscripts should be submitted to the editor 
(Prof. Andrew B. Whinston abw@emx.utexas.edu) by January 15,1992.

All submissions should conform to the guidelines of the journal.
Electronic submissions are welcomed.
Electronic submissions could be in any of teh following formats
1 LaTex
2 Postscript Files.
3 Microsoft Word and MacWrite files (Mac only) compressed using
Stuffit on BinHex

Questions and clarifications should be addresed to
Prof. Andrew B. Whinston (abw@emx.utexas.edu)