[comp.cog-eng] CFV: comp.human-factors

mathew <mathew@mantis.co.uk> (05/01/91)


CALL FOR VOTES: comp.human-factors



   To provide a forum for discussion of general issues relating to
   human-computer interaction (HCI) and human factors.

   HCI issues are currently discussed in a number of newsgroups, and are
   relevant to discussions in:

               alt.hypertext             comp.infosystems
               alt.toolkits.xview        comp.multimedia
               comp.cog-eng              comp.software-eng
               comp.graphics             comp.windows.*

   HCI is an extremely broad topic. Examples of possible subjects for
   discussion include:

      * Design of keyboards, mice, joysticks.
      * Choice of command names and parameter syntax, and the effect on
        the number of mistakes users make.
      * Design of effective symbols for communicating information.
      * Control relations for scroll bars, switches and so on.
      * Use of Agents for representing semi-autonomous processes.
      * Use of colour in user interface design.
      * Methods for prototyping user interfaces.
      * How to evaluate the effectiveness of a user interface.
      * Designing effective dialogues for interactive programs.
      * Possible new forms of feedback -- sound, smell, touch.
      * Customizability vs. stability.

   At present, such discussions are scattered amongst the existing comp.*


   The newsgroup is NOT intended for discussion of topics specific to
   particular window systems and not illustrating any general point; such
   discussion should take place in the existing comp.windows groups. Nor is
   it intended as a place where people can preach the virtues of their
   favourite windowing system.

   The newsgroup is also not intended for human-factors discussion which is
   not relevant to the field of computing. 


   I initially suggested the name comp.hci. This was generally felt to be
   an obscure acronym, so I held a poll to determine the most popular
   alternative, out of:

            comp.hci                comp.human-factors
            comp.chi                comp.user-interface
            comp.interaction        none of the above

   The poll was announced twice in various newsgroups including news.groups.
   I received two replies; one suggesting comp.human-factors, with a
   suggestion that perhaps the subject matter was relevant to a sci group; and
   a joke reply suggesting a newsgroup named "none of the above". I also
   received quite a bit of mail from people who wanted a group but weren't too
   bothered by the name.

   In view of the total lack of controversy regarding the name, I am changing
   the proposed name to comp.human-factors (as preferred by 100% of those who
   expressed a preference, including myself :-) but NOT going through another
   round of discussions.


   1991-05-01:               First call for votes.
   1991-05-15:               Mass acknowledgement and second call for votes.
   1991-05-30:               Last day to vote.


   Send mail to:

   Internet: vote@mantis.co.uk
   UUCP:     ...!mcsun!ukc!ibmpcug!mantis!vote

   Your mail should contain exactly one of the following two quoted lines:

      "I vote YES to comp.human-factors as proposed"

      "I vote NO to comp.human-factors as proposed"

   It is preferred that you use these forms to ease counting of the
   votes, but any unamibuous vote will be counted.  Conditional votes
   ("I vote yes if ...") will be bounced. Votes posted to the net will be
   ignored. Votes sent to me personally rather than to the address given
   above will be bounced.

   I do not plan to send individual acknowledgements for votes received,
   since we pay by the kilobyte for international mail.

   Please feel free to crosspost this call for votes into any newsgroups
   which you feel are appropriate.

Internet: mathew@mantis.co.uk / mathew%mantis.co.uk@ukc.ac.uk
    UUCP: mathew@mantis.UUCP / ...!mcsun!ukc!ibmpcug!mantis!mathew

dmark@acsu.buffalo.edu (David Mark) (05/05/91)

In article <+r1g_#=@rpi.edu> vote@mantis.co.uk writes:

>CALL FOR VOTES: comp.human-factors

>   To provide a forum for discussion of general issues relating to
>   human-computer interaction (HCI) and human factors.

The posting went on to list topics, etc.

I see no difference between the list of topics proposed for
comp.human-factors, and the list of topics that are being discussed
(an have been for the last two years) on comp.cog-eng.  Can anyone
explain what the difference is supposed to be (other than a different

David Mark

sfp@mars.ornl.gov (Phil Spelt) (05/16/91)

In article <+r1g_#=@rpi.edu> vote@mantis.co.uk writes:
>   To provide a forum for discussion of general issues relating to
>   human-computer interaction (HCI) and human factors.
>     [Stuff deleated  PFS]
>   The newsgroup is also not intended for human-factors discussion which is
>   not relevant to the field of computing. 
>   I initially suggested the name comp.hci. This was generally felt to be
>   an obscure acronym, so I held a poll to determine the most popular
>   alternative, out of:
>            comp.hci                comp.human-factors
>            comp.chi                comp.user-interface
>            comp.interaction        none of the above
>   The poll was announced twice in various newsgroups including news.groups.
>   I received two replies; one suggesting comp.human-factors, with a
>   suggestion that perhaps the subject matter was relevant to a sci group; and
>   a joke reply suggesting a newsgroup named "none of the above". I also
>   received quite a bit of mail from people who wanted a group but weren't too
>   bothered by the name.

I didn't see the original call for discussion, so could not experss my opinion.
(See below for my point of view).

>   In view of the total lack of controversy regarding the name, I am changing
>   the proposed name to comp.human-factors (as preferred by 100% of those who
>   expressed a preference, including myself :-) but NOT going through another
>   round of discussions.
             [more stuff deleated PFS}

I have tried to post a resposne to this CFV 3 times and have never seen it
posted.  If this has been posted before, I am sorry.

I shall have to vote "NO" for this group -- one in which I am interested --
only because of the name.  "Human Factors", in the US, anyway, deals with
the interaction between people and ANY machinery with which they work and/or play.  This is similar to the term "ergonomics" in Europe, I believe.  Restricting
the BB to computers only is fine, but DON'T call it "human Factors.  This is misleading, and will cause conflict with a BB we are talking about starting in
the US which WILL be HF in all its broad meaning.

CHI is increasingly being used, as is HCI -- witness the HCI '91 conference
at Edingerg, and the recently concluded CHI 91 conference at New Orleans.  Those
who know what CHI/HCI means will investigate the BB, those who don't but are
curious will learn whast the acronym means when they investigate the BB.

Therefore, I think the name should be comp.CHI.

MIND.  A mysterious form of matter secreted by the brain.  Its chief activity
consists in the endeavor to asscertain its own nature, the futility of the
attempt being due to the fact that it has nothing but itself to know itself
with.   -- Ambrose Bierce

Phil Spelt, Cognitive Systems & Human Factors Group  sfp@epm.ornl.gov
Any opinions expressed or implied are my own, IF I choose to own up to them.

bdb@becker.UUCP (Bruce D. Becker) (05/23/91)

In article <+r1g_#=@rpi.edu> vote@mantis.co.uk writes:
|CALL FOR VOTES: comp.human-factors
|   To provide a forum for discussion of general issues relating to
|   human-computer interaction (HCI) and human factors.
|   HCI issues are currently discussed in a number of newsgroups, and are
|   relevant to discussions in:
|               alt.hypertext             comp.infosystems
|               alt.toolkits.xview        comp.multimedia
|               comp.cog-eng              comp.software-eng
|               comp.graphics             comp.windows.*
|               comp.groupware

	They're also dealt with in:


  ,u,	 Bruce Becker	Toronto, Ontario
a /i/	 Internet: bdb@becker.UUCP, bruce@gpu.utcs.toronto.edu
 `\o\-e	 UUCP: ...!utai!mnetor!becker!bdb
 _< /_	 "It's the death of the net as we know it (and I feel fine)" - R.A.M.