[comp.dcom.modems] experiences with ADC 1200 baud mode

berger@clio.Uiuc.ARPA (12/04/86)

I think the modems don't support the Hayes S-registers, and are
thus incompatible in that respect.  We have one here.  They're
by no means commercial grade, but may be adequate for home type

dennis@uw-warp.UUCP (Dennis Gentry) (12/07/86)

The feature that it I miss most is the ability to type "+++"
and get command mode.  That means I have to go push its
buttons when some remote machine doesn't hang up on me, so
it wouldn't work if you don't want to be running down to the
machine room every so often.  (Since my machine room is my
linen closet, it doesn't matter to me.)

Another problem with this modem is that it doesn't seem to
echo every character you type at it.  For example, when I
type ATZ, I often get AZ echoed back.  I had to modify the
Hayes entry in my L.dialers file, but that was no big deal. 

To summarize:  the price is right ($87-$100), and it works
just fine with PCs, but I wouldn't get one for my Vax.
"Captain Kirk's in love again, with another alien."

ref0070@ritcv.UUCP (Robert E. Fortin) (12/09/86)

In article <638@uw-warp.UUCP> dennis@uw-warp.UUCP (Dennis Gentry) writes:
>The feature that it I miss most is the ability to type "+++"
>and get command mode.  That means I have to go push its
>buttons when some remote machine doesn't hang up on me, so
>it wouldn't work if you don't want to be running down to the
>machine room every so often.  (Since my machine room is my
>linen closet, it doesn't matter to me.)
>Another problem with this modem is that it doesn't seem to
>echo every character you type at it.  For example, when I
>type ATZ, I often get AZ echoed back.  I had to modify the
>Hayes entry in my L.dialers file, but that was no big deal. 
>To summarize:  the price is right ($87-$100), and it works
>just fine with PCs, but I wouldn't get one for my Vax.

I don't thnk you have an ADC 1200 at least not the one sold by DAK. It
sounds like an Avatex. Anyway, I bought the ADC 1200 from DAK, and it is
100% Hayes compatable (yes, it has S-registers). It also has a feature that
will redial a number every 30 seconds if it is busy. So far I have been
happy with the modem, it has a full panel of leds, and an adjustable 
speaker. The +++ mentioned above works fine, as do all of the Hayes
commands, including auto answer.

I think it is a good buy, especially with the $25 Compuserve kit.