[comp.dcom.modems] LOTS of modem reviews

dbj@rice.EDU (Dave Johnson) (05/13/87)

People out there may be interested to know that the May 12, 1987
issue of PC Magazine contains an extensive review of the features
and performance of 87 different modems, including both internal and
external models.  This goes on for about 100 pages and has lots of
useful info if you're thinking about buying a modem.

In response to the recent questions about the US Robotics Courier
modems, by the way, I thought I'd include a few quotes from their 
review of it: "If you make most of your calls on relatively clean
local phone lines, you may never notice the Couriers' performance
handicap, particularly if you use an error-correcting protocol.
On the other hand, if you routinely dial up bulletin boards across
the coutry on Brand X long-distance service, you may be headed for
some headaches."  They also said: "If you don't consider on-line
performace, these are a couple of great modems--but how can you
ignore it when, in essence, its the only feature that really

					Dave Johnson
					Dept. of Computer Science
					Rice University

UUCP: {soma,shell,cbosgd,convex,sun,texsun}!rice!dbj
ARPA: dbj@rice.EDU, dbj@rice.ARPA