[comp.dcom.modems] Everex EV-940

src@elandes.UUCP (D. Mathis) (05/22/87)

	A word to all of you ready to go out and spend $170 (+tax license and
delivery, of course) for your new 2400 baud modem.

					NOT YET.

	It seems there is a little problem with switching speeds in originate
mode.  It tries, but doesnt quite get there, if it does, it reports the
wrong speed and doesn't ever really connect.
	Here's the scenario:
	Originate a call at 2400 baud,
	have the answering modem answer at 1200 baud,
	try to negotiate down to 1200,
	fail miserably,
	try 300,
	this seems OK, report connected at 300, 
	don't be set for 300, sit and look stupid

Everex is "looking into" what the have admitted is a legitimate complaint.
I'll see what kind of answer of fix I get from them.
The modem will connect fine if the originate and answer speed are the same
when the line is picked up.

	Dave Mathis, ELAN designs           UUCP  ...oliveb!elandes!dave

aad#@ANDREW.CMU.EDU (Anthony A. Datri) (05/22/87)

Is this really that much of a problem?  I assume that you can set the baud
rate when you're originating, right?  While I can see where this could cause
problems for bbs machines and such, would there be problems for just a user
dialing his favorite pdp-10 or bbs?  Is this an internal or external modem?
Where did you see ads for it?

src@elandes.UUCP (D. Mathis) (05/26/87)

	I think I wasn't too clear as to the original problem with the
Everex EV-940 modem.  

	When I ORIGINATE a call, I can set the speed of the modem.
	When the answering modem is at a different speed, my modem tries
	to change speed and hangs.  I cannot keep my modem from trying
	different speeds if it doesn't like what it first hears.

	Dave Mathis, ELAN designs           UUCP  ...oliveb!elandh:h:hSam

neighorn@qiclab.UUCP (05/27/87)

In article <521@elandes.UUCP> src@elandes.UUCP (D. Mathis) writes:
:	A word to all of you ready to go out and spend $170 (+tax license and
:delivery, of course) for your new 2400 baud modem.
:					NOT YET.
:	It seems there is a little problem with switching speeds in originate
:mode.  It tries, but doesnt quite get there, if it does, it reports the
:wrong speed and doesn't ever really connect.
:	Here's the scenario:
:	Originate a call at 2400 baud,
:	have the answering modem answer at 1200 baud,
:	try to negotiate down to 1200,
:	fail miserably,
:	try 300,
:	this seems OK, report connected at 300, 
:	don't be set for 300, sit and look stupid
:	hangup
:Everex is "looking into" what the have admitted is a legitimate complaint.
:I'll see what kind of answer of fix I get from them.
:The modem will connect fine if the originate and answer speed are the same
:when the line is picked up.
:	Dave Mathis, ELAN designs           UUCP  ...oliveb!elandes!dave

I would be interested in hearing what Everex says about this problem. I
have one of their 2400 baud modems in a 80386 box that I use with uucp,
and I occasionally resort to the above steps to log on to one of the
systems I poll. I experimented with this quite a bit when I set the modem
up, and never experienced the connection problems you describe.

Could this be a problem with older revisions of the firmware? Am I lucky
and you unlucky? Is this situation going to rise its ugly head some
time in the future? Modeming mind want to know! :-) Thanks in advance for
any information you can relay.
Steven C. Neighorn                tektronix!{psu-cs,reed}!qiclab!neighorn
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