brian@sdcsvax.UUCP (Brian Kantor) (10/02/85)
Sendmail -bi reports out of memory - not enough core
when trying to build the /usr/lib/aliases.{dir,pag} files
from /usr/lib/aliases. PDP-11/70 running Berkeley 2.9BSD
feeding sendmail a /usr/lib/aliases file that has more than 400
or so aliases.
sendmail's parseaddr routine mallocs space to return parts of
the addresses being parsed attached to pointers supplied.
Nobody ever returns this malloc'd space, so the process runs out
of core. (note: you must have DBM defined in conf.h. If not,
the symbol table will run out of memory much sooner).
Cure: in /usr/src/usr.lib/sendmail/src/alias.c
Change the call to parseaddr to return less information when
parsing the left hand address of the alias:
if (parseaddr(line, &al, 0, ':') == NULL)
And add a few lines to free up the space malloc'd in parseaddr.
store(key, content);
/* free up the alloc'd memory so our poor
little PDP-11 doesn't run out of memory */
al.q_user = NULL;
Brian Kantor UC San Diego
akgua >--- sdcsvax --- brian
ucbvax/ Kantor@Nosc