[comp.dcom.modems] Is there an upgrade offer for Hayes modems?

jeff@drexel.Drexel.edu (Jeff White) (07/18/87)

  Does anyone know if Hayes has any type of upgrade offer for their modems
(preferrably 1200 baud to 2400 baud)?  I know that Prometheus (makers of
Pro modems) has an upgrade offer where for $200 and your old 1200 modem,
they will send you a brand new 2400 baud modem (they also have similar
upgrade offers for their accessories (communications processor, memory)).
I have a Smartmodem 1200 and would love to be able to get a Smartmodem 2400
for just a few hundred dollars.  Please note that I know about their current
sale on the V-series modem enhancer, and it is not want I want.
   Any and all replies would be greatly appreciated.

						Jeff White
						Drexel University - ECE Dept.