[comp.dcom.modems] Ventel 212+ info

jhsmith@CRDEC-VAX4.ARPA ("Jack H. Smith") (08/11/87)


		I have a manual for a VENTEL 212 + right in front of
	me, and I've used one for several years.

		I assume that you only want the back panel switch
	settings. In the following table, U means the switch is 
	in the up position and D means Down..

		Panel F 			Panel G
		-------                         -------

		1 -- U				1 -- U
		2 -- D				2 -- U
		3 -- U    			3 -- U
		4 -- D                          4 -- U
		5 -- D				5 -- D
		6 -- D                          6 -- U
		7 -- D				7 -- U
		8 -- U				8 -- D
		9 -- D				9 -- U
	       10 -- U			       10 -- D

	What these settings mean is the following:

	F1 -- Modem controls DTR --- (disabled, terminal sends DTR).
	F2 -- Transmit timing signal -- (disabled for async communications).
	F3 -- Enable sync clock of receiver -- disabled
	F4 -- Slave transmit clock to rec. clock -- disabled
	F5 -- Not used.
	F6 -- Make busy on Analog loop back test -- enabled..
	F7 -- not used.
	F8 -- Speed select from HS switch -- when HS is depressed: 1200 baud.
	F9 -- Answer indicate on pin 22. ---- enabled.
	F10 - Originate and auto answer/orginate only --- set for the first.

	H1 -- Dial mode -- pulse/tone --- set here for pulse.
	H2 -- High speed trans. mode --- async/bit-sync.  --- set for async.
	H3 -- Local copy --- disabled
	H4 -- Blind dial -- disabled.
	H5 -- Respond to remote DL --- disabled
	H6 -- Send Space disconnect --- disabled.
	H7 -- Receive "     "               "
	H8 -- Loss of carrier disconnect -- enabled
	H9 -- High Speed only --- Disabled.
        H10 - Character length -- 9/10 bits --- set for 10.

		I hope this helps. I'm not familiar at all with the
	communications program that you mentioned. However, if you're
	able to send ascii files and communicate otherwise, other
	than sending and receiving binary files, I would suspect that
	you may have to change your PC settings to 8 bit char length,
	1 stop bits, and no parity. Let the xmodem program handle the
	handshaking and protocol. Good luck, and if you think I can
	help anymore, drop me a line.
