[comp.dcom.modems] Sample format for Comments/Reply Comment in FCC modem fees proposal

W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARPA (Keith Petersen) (08/16/87)

TO:         Telenet Customers

FROM:       Phil Walker

SUBJECT:    Sample Format for Comments/Reply Comments in FCC
            Access Charge Proceeding

      A number of Telenet customers have requested information
concerning the proper format for filings with the FCC regarding
the access charge issue, Docket 87-215.  Such filings can take
the form of either a formal legal pleading (Comments and/or
Reply Comments) or an informal letter to the Chairman of the
FCC.  In either case, a copy should be sent to your
Congressman, your two Senators and the Chairmen of the House
and Senate telecommunications subcommittees, with a cover
letter asking them to urge the FCC not to proceed with its

      Attachment 1 to this memo is a sample format for formal
Comments and/or Reply Comments.  Please note that the first
three pages (cover sheet, summary and table of contents) are
required by the FCC Rules only if the body of your pleading
exceeds 10 pages in length.

      You may attach as exhibits or appendices whatever
material would be helpful to support your arguments -- e.g.,
price lists for your on-line services, market studies, economic
impact analyses, statements from your management and/or
customers, etc.  A short affidavit (sworn statement) from one
of your key executives stating that he or she has read the
pleading and it is accurate to the best of his/her knowledge is
a helpful addition, but is not really necessary.

      Your pleading should be typed on 8 1/2 x 11 paper,
double-spaced (except for summary page, which may be
single-spaced if you prefer).  A signed original and 5 copies
should be sent to the Secretary, Federal Communications
Commission, Washington, D.C.  20554, in time to arrive by the
respective due dates --
           September 24, 1987 for Comments
           October 26, 1987 for Reply Comments
Also, copies should be mailed to each of the three FCC staffers
shown on the attached Certificate of Service.

      If you choose to write a letter to the FCC instead of
submitting formal legal comments, it should contain essentially
the same sort of recitation of your concerns and arguments.
Any useful documents can be attached.  Attachment 2 to this
letter is a sample format for such a letter.

      Attachment 3 is a sample format for your cover letter to
the Congressional recipients, and Attachment 4 is a list of
U.S. Senators for each state.

      Also, please send us a blind copy of whatever documents
or letters you prepare, so we will be aware of it in our
lobbying efforts.  A self-addressed envelope is enclosed for
this purpose.

      Please feel free to give me a call at (703)689-5656 if
you have any questions.

Attachments (4)

                                          ATTACHMENT 1

                                   NOTE:  This cover page is
                                   required only if body of
                                   the pleading exceeds 10
                                   pages in length.

                           Before the
                     Washington, D.C.  20554

In the Matter of                   )
Amendments of Part 69              )    CC Docket No. 87-215
of the Commission's Rules          )
Relating to Enhanced Service       )
Providers                          )

To:  The Commission

                  COMMENTS [or Reply Comments]
                 OF [Name of Your Organization]

                                   Respectfully submitted,

                                By:       [signature]
                                   [Typed name and address of
                                   your attorney, or whoever
                                   will sign the pleading]

[Date of the filing]               Its Attorney [delete this if
                                   pleading not signed by a

                                   NOTE:  This summary is
                                   required only if body of
                                   the pleading exceeds
                                   10 pages in length.


    [Insert here a brief summary of the key points made in the
body of the pleading -- including a summary of any important
data you submit to support your points, such as an impact

    [This summary should be no more than a page or two in
length.  If you prefer to keep it to one page, it may by
single-spaced if necessary.]


                                   NOTE:  Table of contents
                                   is required only if body
                                   of the pleading exceeds
                                   10 pages in length.

                        TABLE OF CONTENTS


     Summary                                      ii

I.   Introduction                                  1

II.  [First Topic Heading]

III. [Second Topic Heading]

IV.  [etc.]

V.   Conclusion

Appendix 1

Appendix 2



                           Before the
                     Washington, D.C.  20554

In the Matter of                   )
Amendments of Part 69              )  CC Docket No. 87-215
of the Commission's Rules          )
Relating to Enhanced Service       )
Providers                          )

To:  The Commission

                  COMMENTS [or Reply Comments]
                 OF [Name of Your Organization]

    [Name of your organization] hereby submits its Comments [or
Reply Comments] in response to the Commission's Notice of
Proposed Rule Making in the above-captioned proceeding,
released July 17, 1987.

I.  Introduction

    [Begin by providing a description of your organization, and
the enhanced services you provide and/or use -- e.g., VAN
network service, electronic mail, database access.  Explain
that local exchange dial-in access is essential to your
provision or use of such services, and that your costs (and
thus your prices, if you provide computer services) would be
significantly affected by the FCC's access charge proposal.]

II.  [Heading for First Topic] (Underline heading)

    [Text of your first topic -- e.g., a discussion of the
impact of the proposed price increases upon your business, your
user base, usage levels and future growth rates, and the like.
Refer to any attachments that will help to make your points.]

III.  [Heading for Second Topic] (Underline heading)

    [Text of your second topic -- e.g., a discussion of the
discrimination inherent in singling out enhanced service
providers for access charges, while all other users of the
local exchange pay ordinary business dial rates.]

IV.  [Heading for Third Topic] (Underline heading)

    [Text for third topic.  There can be as many
topics/arguments as you wish to make.]

V.  Conclusion (Underline)

    [Short concluding statement, urging that the FCC reject the
access charge proposal for enhanced service providers.
Reiterate harmful impact and other policy problems which this
proposal would create.]

                                   Respectfully submitted,

                                   [NAME OF YOUR ORGANIZATION]

                                By:       [signature]
                                   [Typed name and address of
                                   your attorney, or whoever
                                   will sign the pleading]

[Date of the filing]               Its Attorney [delete this if
                                   pleading not signed by a

                     CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

    I, [name of your secretary], do hereby certify that the
foregoing Comments [or Reply Comments] of [Name of your
organization] were sent by first-class U.S. mail, postage
prepaid, this        day of             , 1987 to the following:

Gerald Brock, Chief                Thomas Sugrue, Chief
Common Carrier Bureau              Policy Division
Federal Communications             Common Carrier Bureau
  Commission                       Federal Communications
1919 M Street, N.W., Room 500        Commission
Washington, D.C.  20554            1919 M Street, N.W., Room 544
                                   Washington, D.C.  20554

Ruth Milkman, Attorney Advisor
Policy Division
Common Carrier Bureau
Federal Communications
1919 M Street, N.W., Room 544
Washington, D.C.  20554

[Insert names of any other parties you wish to formally serve
copies of your filing upon.  For initial Comments, there is no
requirement that anyone outside the FCC be served.  For Reply
Comments, everyone filing initial Comments should be served,
but in all likelihood many parties will not comply with this
requirement due to the large number of parties involved.]

                             [signature of your secretary]
                             [typed name of your secretary]

                                           ATTACHMENT 2

                        [Your letterhead]


The Honorable Dennis R. Patrick, Chairman
Federal Communications Commission
1919 M Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

              RE:  CC Docket 87-215, Amendments of Part 69
                   of the Commission's Rules Relating to
                   Enhanced Service Providers

Dear Chairman Patrick:

    [Insert text.  Content should be similar to that suggested
for formal comments, but perhaps less detailed.  Begin with a
short description of your organization and the enhanced
services you provide/use.  Emphasize impact of the FCC proposal
upon your business, your users, etc.  Discuss other policy
arguments against the FCC proposal, such as the discrimination
against computer services and their users which it would


cc:  The Honorable James H. Quello
     The Honorable Mimi Weyforth Dawson
     The Honorable Patricia Diaz Dennis
     Gerald Brock, Chief, Common Carrier Bureau
     Thomas Sugrue, Chief, Policy Division,
       Common Carrier Bureau
     Office of the Secretary, for inclusion in Docket file

[NOTE:  Addresses for all these individuals are the same as
shown above.]

                                           ATTACHMENT 3

                        [Your letterhead]


Separate letters addressed to each of the following:

1.  Your Congressman:
         The Honorable
         United States House of Representatives
         Washington, D.C. 20515

2.  Each of your two Senators:
         The Honorable
         United States Senate
         Washington, D.C. 20510

3.  Each of the subcommittee chairmen:
         The Honorable Edward J. Markey, Chairman
         Subcommittee on Telecommunications and Finance
         Committee on Energy and Commerce
         U.S. House of Representatives
         Washington, D.C. 20515

         The Honorable Daniel K. Inouye, Chairman
         Subcommittee on Communications
         Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation
         U.S. Senate
         Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Congressman            [or Senator           ]:

[Explain briefly who you are, and that you are concerned with
the FCC's proposal to impose carrier access charges on enhanced
service providers.  Note that you have filed comments with the
FCC opposing this proposal, and that a copy of your filing is

Briefly summarize the key points from your FCC filing, and urge
the Member of Congress to express his concern to the FCC.]


[Attach copy of your FCC filing]

                                           ATTACHMENT 4

           U.S. SENATORS

    Heflin, Howell (Dem.)
    Shelby, Richard C. (Dem.)
    Murkowski, Frank H. (Rep.)
    Stevens, Ted (Rep.)
    DeConcini, Dennis (Dem.)
    McCain, John (Rep.)
    Bumpers, Dale L. (Dem.)
    Pryor, David H. (Dem.)
    Cranston, Alan (Dem.)
    Wilson, Pete (Rep.)
    Armstrong, William L. (Rep.)
    Wirth, Timothy E. (Dem.)
    Dodd, Christopher J. (Dem.)
    Weicker, Lowell P. (Rep.)
    Biden, Joseph R. (Dem.)
    Roth, Jr., William V. (Rep.)
    Chiles, Lawton (Dem.)
    Graham, Bob (Dem.)
    Fowler, Jr., Wyche (Dem.)
    Nunn, Sam (Dem.)
    Inouye, Daniel K. (Dem.)
    Matsunaga, Spark M. (Dem.)
    McClure, James A. (Rep.)
    Symms, Steve (Rep.)
    Lugar, Richard G. (Rep.)
    Quayle, Dan (Rep.)
    Dixon, Alan J. (Dem.)
    Simon, Paul (Dem.)
    Grassley, Charles E. (Rep.)
    Harkin, Tom (Dem.)
    Dole, Robert J. (Rep.)
    Kassebaum, Nancy L. (Rep.)

            U.S. Senators
                Page 2

    Ford, Wendell H. (Dem.)
    McConnell, Mitch (Rep.)
    Breaux, John B. (Dem.)
    Johnston, J. Bennett (Dem.)
    Cohen, William S. (Rep.)
    Mitchell, George J. (Dem.)
    Mikulski, Barbara A. (Dem.)
    Sarbanes, Paul S. (Dem.)
    Kennedy, Edward M. (Dem.)
    Kerry, John F. (Dem.)
    Levin, Carl M. (Dem.)
    Reigle, Donald W. (Dem.)
    Boschwitz, Rudy (Rep.)
    Durenberger, Dave (Rep.)
    Cochran, Thad
    Stennis, John C. (Dem.)
    Bond, Christopher S. (Rep.)
    Danforth, John C. (Rep.)
    Baucus, Max S. (Dem.)
    Melcher, John (Dem.)
    Exon, J. James (Dem.)
    Karnes, David (Rep.)
    Hecht, Chic (Rep.)
    Reid, Harry M. (Dem.)
    Bradley, Bill (Dem.)
    Lautenberg, Frank R. (Dem.)
    Humphrey, Gordon J. (Rep.)
    Rudman, Warren (Rep.)
    Bingaman, Jeff (Dem.)
    Domenici, Pete V. (Rep.)
    D'Amato, Alfonse M. (Rep.)
    Moynihan, Daniel Patrick (Dem.)
    Helms, Jesse A. (Rep.)
    Sanford, Terry (Dem.)

           U.S. Senators
              Page 3

    Burdick, Quentin N. (Dem.)
    Conrad, Kent (Dem.)
    Glenn, John (Dem.)
    Metzenbaum, Howard M. (Dem.
    Boren, David L. (Dem.)
    Nickles, Don (Rep.)
    Hatfield, Mark O. (Rep.)
    Packwood, Bob (Rep.)
    Heinz, John (Rep.)
    Specter, Arlen (Rep.)
    Chafee, John H. (Rep.)
    Pell, Claiborne (Dem.)
    Hollings, Ernest F. (Dem.)
    Thurmond, Strom (Rep.)
    Daschle, Thomas A. (Dem.)
    Pressler, Larry (Rep.)
    Gore, Albert, Jr. (Dem.)
    Sasser, Jim (Dem.)
    Bentsen, Lloyd (Dem.)
    Gramm, Phil (Rep.)
    Garn, Jake (Rep.)
    Hatch, Orrin G. (Rep.)
    Leahy, Patrick J. (Dem.)
    Stafford, Robert T. (Rep.)
    Trible, Paul S. (Rep.)
    Warner, John W. (Rep.)
    Adams, Brock (Dem.)
    Evans, Daniel J. (Rep.)
    Byrd, Robert C. (Dem.)
    Rockefeller, John D. IV (Dem.)
    Kasten, Bob (Rep.)
    Proxmire, William (Dem.)
    Simpson, Alan K. (Rep.)
    Wallop, Malcolm (Rep.)