[comp.dcom.modems] communications software

dieter@CS.UCLA.EDU (09/21/87)

Can anybody recommend public domain communications software for IBM-compatible
Also, how do I get it?

Thanks in advance,
Dieter Rothmeier

burdick@iuvax.UUCP (Matt Burdick) (09/21/87)

In article <8247@shemp.UCLA.EDU> dieter@CS.UCLA.EDU (Dieter Rothmeier) writes:
>Can anybody recommend public domain communications software for IBM-compatible
>Also, how do I get it?
>Thanks in advance,
>Dieter Rothmeier

	Two popular packages for this are Procomm, which is Shareware,
and PIBterm, which is public domain.  I personally prefer PIBterm,
since the code (written in Turbo Pascal) is easily available,
well-written, and well-documented.  It also has a few more bells and
whistles than Procomm, although Procomm does have a more complete set
of terminal emulations.
	You can find these on many BBS systems, and probably at user
support groups just about anywhere.

UUCP: ...!iuvax!burdick
ARPA Internet: burdick@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu

acm@bu-cs.BU.EDU (ACM) (09/22/87)

In article <8247@shemp.UCLA.EDU> dieter@CS.UCLA.EDU (Dieter Rothmeier) writes:
>Can anybody recommend public domain communications software for IBM-compatible
>Also, how do I get it?

Well, my personal favorite is Procomm, which isn't exactly public
domain but rather shareware.  I have it (version 2.4.2, the latest
version that I have seen) uuencoded with documentation.  If you would
like it, I'll email it to you.

          Jim Frost * The Madd Hacker | UUCP: ..!harvard!bu-cs!bucsb!madd
  H H                                 | ARPA:           madd@bucsb.bu.edu
H-C-C-OH <- heehee          +---------+----------------------------------
  H H                       | "We are strangers in a world we never made"

jockc@killer.UUCP (09/23/87)

In article <8247@shemp.UCLA.EDU>, dieter@CS.UCLA.EDU writes:
> Can anybody recommend public domain communications software for IBM-compatible
> machines?

Qmodem SST is probably the best all around shareware comm program available.
The latest version is 3.1.   Most good boards should have it. 

jockc / ihnp4!killer!jockc |

hollen@mana.megatek.uucp (Dion Hollenbeck) (09/24/87)

In article <8247@shemp.UCLA.EDU> dieter@CS.UCLA.EDU (Dieter Rothmeier) writes:
>Can anybody recommend public domain communications software for IBM-compatible
>Also, how do I get it?

An outstanding package is PROCOMM which is shareware, but at $25 a pop is
the most outstanding value on the market.  The authors are constantly updating
to include not only bug fixes, but also user suggestions for  improvements.
Most IBM oriented BBS have it or it can be obtained from DATASTORM 
TECHNOLOGY who wrote it on their BBS @ (314)449-9401.  It supports several
different terminal emulations and 8 different download/upload protocols.
You can write command files to be executed either attached to a number
dialed or at your discretion from a menu.  It can be used as a BBS also.
I have no affiliation with DATASTORM other than being a satisfied user.

	Dion Hollenbeck             (619) 455-5590 x2814
	Megatek Corporation, 9645 Scranton Road, San Diego, CA  92121
	{ sdcsvax!sdcc6 | hp-sdd | seismo!s3sun } !megatek!hollen

g-thaler@gumby.wisc.edu (Maurice Thaler) (09/28/87)

Summary:ZCOMM quite powerful

References: <3110@uw-june.UUCP> <8850@sci.UUCP> <3525@islenet.UUCP> <8247@shemp.UCLA.EDU> <180@megatek.UUCP>
Reply-To: g-thaler@gumby.WISC.EDU (Maurice Thaler)
Organization: U of Wisconsin CS Dept

In article <180@megatek.UUCP> hollen@mana.UUCP (Dion Hollenbeck) writes:
>In article <8247@shemp.UCLA.EDU> dieter@CS.UCLA.EDU (Dieter Rothmeier) writes:
>>Can anybody recommend public domain communications software for IBM-compatible
>>Also, how do I get it?
>An outstanding package is PROCOMM which is shareware, but at $25 a pop is
>the most outstanding value on the market.  The authors are constantly updating
>to include not only bug fixes, but also user suggestions for  improvements.
>Most IBM oriented BBS have it or it can be obtained from DATASTORM 
>TECHNOLOGY who wrote it on their BBS @ (314)449-9401.  It supports several
>different terminal emulations and 8 different download/upload protocols.
>You can write command files to be executed either attached to a number
>dialed or at your discretion from a menu.  It can be used as a BBS also.
>I have no affiliation with DATASTORM other than being a satisfied user.
>	Dion Hollenbeck             (619) 455-5590 x2814
>	Megatek Corporation, 9645 Scranton Road, San Diego, CA  92121
>	{ sdcsvax!sdcc6 | hp-sdd | seismo!s3sun } !megatek!hollen
Zcomm is another powerful modem program which I would not recommend for
the novice but still think is worth mentioning. It is written by Chuck
Forsberg who is the author of ZMODEM and YMODEM protocols. This program
has VT100, ZMODEM,YMODEM,WXMODEM, Super-Kermit and a program that will
actually learn your sign on routine and write a script for you. It should
be available on any BBS that includes ZMODEM as an option. If you can't
find a board that has it, call the BBS which I SYSOP Audio Projects BBS
at 608-836-WIRE  9600,2400,1200,300 24hrs.  I am in no way associated
with Chuck Forsberg or Omen Tech. I just admire his program.

rv@cpsc53.UUCP (09/29/87)

References: <3110@uw-june.UUCP> <8850@sci.UUCP> <3525@islenet.UUCP> <8247@shemp.UCLA.EDU> <180@megatek.UUCP> <1042@gumby.wisc.edu>

>> References: <3110@uw-june.UUCP> <8850@sci.UUCP> <3525@islenet.UUCP> <8247@shemp.UCLA.EDU> <180@megatek.UUCP>
>> >>
>> >>Can anybody recommend public domain communications software for IBM-compatible
>> >>machines?
>> >>Also, how do I get it?
>> >>
>> >
>> >An outstanding package is PROCOMM which is shareware, but at $25 a pop is
>> >the most outstanding value on the market. .....
>In article <8247@shemp.UCLA.EDU> dieter@CS.UCLA.EDU (Dieter Rothmeier) writes:
>>Can anybody recommend public domain communications software for IBM-compatible
>>Also, how do I get it?
Another outstanding package is QMODEM SST which is shareware, at about the
same price as PROCOMM, with most of the same features.  It includes scripts,
the ability to add homegrown file transfer protocols, XMODEM, YMODEM, KERMIT,
SEALINK, ETC.  It also recognizes ansi screen, music & color control sequences.
It includes VT100, TVI925, ANSI and TTY terminal emulation.  It is available
on many BBS systems as QMODEM 3.0 or QMODEM SST, or directly from the Forbin
Project BBS at (319)233-6157.  The requested contribution entitles you to an
official copy on diskettes, user manual, upgrades and telephone support on 
their voice line at (319) 232-4516.  
NOTE:  Beware of a BETA TEST version 3.0 on some BBS's which was buggy and
       will not work on most clones.  Also note the numbers above are correct
       rather than what comes with the early releases.  Their telephone numbers
       changed recently.
I have no affiliation with the Forbin Project, but am a satisfied customer.
Richard Verzyl- AT&T Atlanta CPSC ---------------------------------------------
 ..{ihnp4,akgua}!cpsc53!rv        |"We have met the enemy.....and he is US !!"|
   net: rv@cpsc53.ATT.COM         |      -Pogo  (a.k.a. Walt Kelly) circa 1968|
attmail!rverzyl voice(404)982-5153---------------------------------------------

aad+@andrew.cmu.edu.UUCP (09/29/87)

I have little love of Procomm, and haven't tried PIBterm.  If you want a
lots-of-cutesy-menus-and-xyzmodem package, I'd recommend Qmodem.  I use it
for bbs'ing.  But I find that for higher speeds, these packages just don't
have the throughput, and Kermit wins.  Hence:  Kermit for a 9600 baud line,
Qmodem for bbs'ing.  If you've any kind of communications software at all,
you should be able to bootstrap yourself from a bbs.

jim@ccd700.UUCP (10/01/87)

In article <1042@gumby.wisc.edu>, g-thaler@gumby.wisc.edu (Maurice Thaler) writes:
> In article <180@megatek.UUCP> hollen@mana.UUCP (Dion Hollenbeck) writes:
> >In article <8247@shemp.UCLA.EDU> dieter@CS.UCLA.EDU (Dieter Rothmeier) writes:
> >>
> >>Can anybody recommend public domain communications software for IBM-compatible
> >>machines?
> >>Also, how do I get it?
> >>
> >An outstanding package is PROCOMM which is shareware, but at $25 a pop is
> >the most outstanding value on the market.  The authors are constantly updating
> >to include not only bug fixes, but also user suggestions for  improvements.
> >Most IBM oriented BBS have it or it can be obtained from DATASTORM 
> >TECHNOLOGY who wrote it on their BBS @ (314)449-9401.  It supports several
> >different terminal emulations and 8 different download/upload protocols.
> >You can write command files to be executed either attached to a number
> >dialed or at your discretion from a menu.  It can be used as a BBS also.
> >I have no affiliation with DATASTORM other than being a satisfied user.
> >	Dion Hollenbeck             (619) 455-5590 x2814

> Zcomm is another powerful modem program which I would not recommend for
> the novice but still think is worth mentioning. It is written by Chuck
> Forsberg who is the author of ZMODEM and YMODEM protocols. This program
> has VT100, ZMODEM,YMODEM,WXMODEM, Super-Kermit and a program that will
> actually learn your sign on routine and write a script for you. It should

I can also highly recommend both of these packages. Procomm is probably
the slicker of the two, as well as the easiest to use but...no ZMODEM!
Zcomm is worth having just for the ZMODEM protocol. I have used it often
and have never gotten less than 94% throughput which is pretty remarkable.
BTW, the "official" source of Zcomm is the TeleGodzilla BBS. The number
is (503)-621-3746 2400/1200. Lots of neat stuff. 

Jim Sitek

caf@omen.UUCP (Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX) (10/06/87)

In article <EVM1u3y00WANkfk0hi@andrew.cmu.edu> aad+@andrew.cmu.edu (Anthony A. Datri) writes:
:I have little love of Procomm, and haven't tried PIBterm.  If you want a
:lots-of-cutesy-menus-and-xyzmodem package, I'd recommend Qmodem.  I use it
:for bbs'ing.  But I find that for higher speeds, these packages just don't
:have the throughput, and Kermit wins.  Hence:  Kermit for a 9600 baud line,
:Qmodem for bbs'ing.  If you've any kind of communications software at all,
:you should be able to bootstrap yourself from a bbs.

Kermit for high speed downloads from Unix?  Really?

If you have a Unix/Xenix Kermit that does better than half the *throughput*
(not raw speed!) of sz's ZMODEM downloading an .ARC file to a DOS
computer at 19200 bps, please post it.  (Example: 386 Xenix at 19200 bps
to an AT clone: Kermit 473 cps, ZMODEM 1809 cps on a 50k .ARC file.)

Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX Author of Pro-YAM communications Tools for PCDOS and Unix
...!tektronix!reed!omen!caf  Omen Technology Inc "The High Reliability Software"
17505-V Northwest Sauvie Island Road Portland OR 97231  VOICE:503-621-3406:VOICE
    TeleGodzilla BBS: 621-3746 19200/2400/1200  CIS:70007,2304  Genie:CAF
  omen Any ACU 2400 1-503-621-3746 se:--se: link ord: Giznoid in:--in: uucp
  omen!/usr/spool/uucppublic/FILES lists all uucp-able files, updated hourly