[comp.dcom.modems] here's a script for downloading modem settings

day@grand.UUCP (Dave Yost) (10/23/87)

I tried many tricky things before I finally found a reliable solution.
Perhaps others will find it useful.

 --dave yost


# Send settings to MultiTech 224E modem
# Use as a template for how to send settings to the modem of your choice.
# You must edit the 5551212 entries below to store fast-dial phone numbers.
# If you are on system V, you have to change the "stty >" to "stty <"
# Last modified 87.10.23

# Copyright 1987 Dave Yost, Grand Software, Inc.
# Permission granted to all to copy for own use or noncommercial distribution.
# 213-650-1089 {uunet,attmail}!grand!dyost or dyost@grand.COM
# This notice must be retained in any copy.
# If you use this software, please send me electronic or postal mail,
# and please introduce yourself to me the next time you see me.  Thanks.

case $1 in
    echo "Usage: 224e modem-device-name"
    exit 2

cat -u < $tty &
stty 300 -echo nl > $tty
sed 's/ *#.*//
/^$/d' << 'EOF' \
| awk '{ printf ("sleep 2 ; echo -n '"'"'%s\r'"'"'\n", $1) }' \
| sh > $tty
atV1      # V1       result codes as words, like "CONNECT"
atQ0      # Q0       enable result codes
atE1      # E1       Echo command mode characters
atX1      # X0       enable extended result codes, e.g. "CONNECT 2400"
atB1      # B0       Wait for dialtone
at&E1     # &E0      Auto-Reliable mode
at&E3     # &E5      No serial port flow control
at&E8     # &E8      Enq/Ack pacing off
at&E10    # &E10     Normal mode flow control off (questionable)
at&G0     # &G0      CCITT guard tones off
at&T5     # &T5      Disable response to request for digital loopback
at&C1     # &C1      Disable forcing Carrier Detect on
at&R0     # &R0      Disable forcing Clear to Send on
at$BA1    # &BA1     Baud Adjust is on (questionable)
at&A0     #  ?       The ATL5 status command says this is set to &A0
at&Q0     # &Q0      Not strictly compatible with (dumb) Hayes result codes
at$MB2400 # $MB2400  Try for 2400 baud connections
at$SB2400 # $SB2400  Set default serial port baud rate
ats10=7   # ats10=7  Set Carrier loss disconnect delay time to default
ats11=50  # ats11=70 Faster tone dialing
ats12=255 # ats12=50 Maximum time delay for +++ escape to command mode
at&W0     # - none - saves settings in eerom
kill $pid
echo '
Switch settings should be:
   1 UP        DTR not forced on (Factory setting is DOWN)
   2 UP
   3 DOWN
   4 UP
   5 UP
   6 UP
   7 UP
   8 DOWN

Done setting the modem