[comp.dcom.modems] Call Waiting Kickoff

27313853@WSUVM1.BITNET (Wim Bonner) (11/16/87)

I have an Unusual Request.  I WANT call waiting to kick me off of the
line.  I am Using a Ventel 2400 halfcard, and using Crosstalk to connect
with our IBM 3090 at 1200-e-7-1.  When I get the call waiting beep, I
get a little bit of garbage on the line, but usually I can keep working
and ignore it. (most of the time I don't notice it)  I would like to
be forced off the line whenever I'm doing local stuff.   Call Waiting
on the system that I'm using cannot be disabled.
Acknowledge-To: <27313853@WSUVM1>

berger@clio.UUCP (11/18/87)

Can you set up your modem to hang up when it detects loss of carrier?
That should take care of it.

			Mike Berger
			Center for Advanced Study
			University of Illinois 

			{ihnp4 | convex | pur-ee}!uiucuxc!clio!berger