steve@dcdwest.UUCP (Steve Meloche) (02/12/88)
[This line is the result of peer pressure. Is there really a line-eater?] I am an Amiga 1000 owner who has recently acquired several non-working modems, one of which I have managed to fix. It is an intelligent modem, but it is not Hayes-compatible. Instead of using "AT" as a prefix to commands, it goes into a local command mode when it receives certain non-ascii control characters. Because of this, I am unable to use Kermit, Xmodem, or uw between the VAX at work and my computer at home. All downloading and uploading must be done using straight ASCII-capture, which means firing up the editor and removing all of those stupid delete characters by hand! Does anybody out there use a Microcom PCS1200 (or RX1200) modem? If so, what are some of the commands to operate it? I have figured out the "a" (answer), "d" (dial out), and "e" (exit command mode?) commands, but I need to know how to disable its grabbing those control characters so that I can get some useful work done! (I can't use my favorite editor, either - GRRR). I would *also* like to know how to set the modem's clock. I have tried every possible permutation of CLOCK, TIME, SET, and DATE that I can think of and it is still stuck at almost 11 hours off. If you have any experience with this modem please send me some hints as to how to make it work. (Actually, the entire command set would be appreciated!) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ALSO, now that I have figured out how to download files correctly (and have a version of uudecode on my computer), I would like to know how to get copies of several programs that I have seen in the past on the net, but was not able to get at the time. The programs include CLAZ (even fixhunk wouldn't fix my version), quickflix (was there ever a working version of it posted?), some of the DRACO stuff that was on the net a while ago (I don't have *any* compilers right now), dropshadow, bawk, arc (I have unarc), a version of dropcloth with the icon ghosting bug fixed, and some of the demos that I have heard about and only guessed the function of: ROBOTROFF, MELT, SMUSH, etc. I have been informed that we cannot do "anonymous ftp"'s from here, so anybody's help on finding at least some of these programs would be greatly appreciated. TIA (thanks in advance), Steven Meloche - * a silent net reader since 1982 * _____ _____ _____ | ` | ' ` | ' ITT Defense Communications Division | | | San Diego, CA __|__ | | dcd-west!ucsd!...