evan@brambo.UUCP (Evan) (03/12/88)
In message Message-ID <931@neoucom.UUCP>, Bill Mayhew (wtm@neoucom.UUCP) offers help regarding how to configure a Telebit for UUCP. I've added some features to his modemcap file, to allow the dialer to recognize the various messages sent by the modem when dialing. Our Telebit is presently operating on an AT clone running Xenix 2.2.1, at 9600 through a standard COM2: port (it choked on 19.2K). Our 'Blazer firmware is BA4.00, and our uucp is a heavily-hacked 4.2BSD, operating the Telebit both dial-in and dial-out on the one line. Rather than do a register dump, here are the only ones at our site NOT set to the factory defaults: Q4 X3 S51=255 S52=2 S53=3 S54=1 S110=1 S111=30 (Set S51 to 254 if using it at 19.2K) In our L-devices file: ---------------------- ACU tty2A tbpep 19200 sysV ACU tty2A tbpep 9600 sysV ACU tty2A tb2400 2400 sysV ACU tty2A tb1200 1200 sysV ACU tty2A tb300 300 sysV In our modemcap file: --------------------- # Telebit Slow Mode # This entry is identical for other slow-mode speeds, the only difference # being the names in the title line and the value S50 is set to: # S50=1 300 # S50=2 1200 # S50=3 2400 # And, of course, change DP to DT in all entries if you tone-dial. # t2|tb2400|telebit 2400:ps=AT:es=\r:ph=ATS50=3DP:eh=\r:pa=,:\ :sa=:ta=A:tr=\r:\ :wa=A:wk=K:wn=\n:wr=\r:\ :d1#1:d2#2:d5#5:\ :cb=BUSY\r:cc=NO CARRIER\r:cd=NO DIAL TONE\r:\ :cn=NO CARRIER\r:co=OK\r:cx=:cz=\r:\ :ab=REMOTE BUSY:ac=NO CARRIER:ad=NO DIAL TONE:\ :an=NO ANSWER:bm=MODEM NOT RESPONDING:\ :pl=tad1tad1tasawnwncobmphwnwnccaccbabcdadcnanczaccxac: # # # Telebit PEP Mode tp|tbpep|telebit PEP mode:ps=AT:es=\r:ph=ATS50=255DP:eh=\r:pa=,:\ :sa=:ta=A:tr=\r:\ :wa=A:wk=K:wn=\n:wr=\r:\ :d1#1:d2#2:d5#5:\ :n1#15:n2#11:n3#7:n4#3:\ :cb=BUSY\r:cc=NO CARRIER\r:cd=NO DIAL TONE\r:\ :cn=NO CARRIER\r:co=OK\r:cr=RRING\r:cx=:cz=\r:\ :ab=REMOTE BUSY:ac=NO CARRIER:ad=NO DIAL TONE:\ :an=NO ANSWER:bm=MODEM NOT RESPONDING:\ :pl=tad1tad1tasawnwncobmphd5wnwncrn1wnwncrn2wnwncrn3wnwncrn4wncranczanccaccbabcdadcnancxan: Notes: This sends out four A's, then AT\r, then checks for <OK> before proceeding. In PEP mode, either five RRINGs or a timeout without carrier aborts the call. In reality, five RRINGs corresponds to more than five rings. The XENIX COM2: driver does support EXTA for 19,200 baud, but though I could complete a PEP connection at this speed, I could not transfer files. The above settings haven't failed me yet. Your mileage may vary. ^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v Evan Leibovitch, Sound Software - evan@telly.uucp - utzoo!utgpu!telly!evan 143 Baronwood Court, Brampton, Ontario Canada L6V 3H8 - - - (416)452-0504 Disclaimer: People who live in glass houses shouldn't have sex on the carpet