[comp.dcom.modems] Minor U.S. Robotics Problems

franco@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu (03/30/88)

I recently purchased two U.S. Robotics 9600 baud modems (courier HST)
and like them very much.  However there is one minor and one intermediate
problem that I would like to solve.

	1.  When transmitting a screenful of information, the first 100
            or so characters get displayed immediately, then there is a 
            1/4 second hesitation, then the remaining characters are sent
            without hesitation.  Does anyone know the cure for this hes-
	    itation problem?

	2.  When using zmodem, from the host to the remote machine there is
            no loss of efficiency (it seems that the host modem is sending
            back the ACKS because the remote machine is never asked to).
            However, in going from the remote machine to the host machine
            there is a huge delay, about the same time as it takes to
 	    transmit a 1k packet, while ACK is returned to the remote 
	    machine (here is where the 1/4 second hesitation is screwing
            things up but good - the hesitation exists even though the
            number of characters in the ACK packet is small).  This can't 
            be normal, right?  Is there any way to get the efficiency up 
            (without forging the ACKS)?

Thanks to anyone who can supply the answers - U.S. Robotics couldn't.
Please email to franco@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu