[comp.dcom.modems] Experience With V.32 Modems a correction

wunder@hpcea.CE.HP.COM (Walter Underwood) (03/31/88)

   It seems very few folks have used V.32 modems yet; ...

Well, we've been using a pair of V.32 modems for over a year, except
for when one of them died, and spent several weeks being fixed.  We
run HDLC over them, between a pair of cisco gateways.  We dial up,
wait for the ciscos to exchange routes, then do a few FTP's or
whatever.  Good for diagnostic links, too.

We also used these for a secondary link from the Usenix floor to HP.
The big link was a 56Kbit satellite channel.  It was neat to watch the
cisco send small packets over the 9.6 terrestrial and big packets over
the satellite link.

V.32 was designed for syncronous links, and works best for that.
There is no "standard" like Hayes for autodial on sync lines.  Some
modems don't have autodial at all, some have a separate async port,
and some may have some sync magic.  That may be what is meant by "not
all V.32 modems will work together", i.e. not all work the same with
the host.  We have not tried interoperability between different brands
of modems.

Ours are from CDS.  As I said, we had one die after a few months, and
it took a while to get fixed.  Ours don't have autodial.  I don't
think we've had any other problems, though I'm not the person who
deals directly with that HW.
