jedi@CLARK-EMH.ARPA (03/24/88)
Is there any way to access CompuServe or any of the other on-line services through the arpanet?? Being stationed over seas, this is my only link to the real world. Any information regarding either this OR how to access these services from the Philippines, please respond and let me know. Thanks Mike Hampton Clark Air Base, RP (Dave Goldblatt) (03/28/88)
From article <8803241230.AA05954@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU>, by jedi@CLARK-EMH.ARPA: > Is there any way to access CompuServe or any of the other on-line > services through the arpanet?? Being stationed over seas, this is my only > link to the real world. > No can do; Compu$erve and the other networks are avilable ONLY via their own dialup network *or* Telenet and Tymshare (and Datapac in Canada). Both Telenet and Tymnet have overseas ports, I think.. Disclaimer: I have no affiliation with any of the aforementioned organizations, and have let my Compu$erve account expire.. :-) -dg- -- Internet: or: BITNET: dave@CLUTX.Bitnet uucp: {rpics, gould}!clutx!dave Matrix: Dave Goldblatt @ 1:260/360 ICBM: Why do you want to know? :-) (03/30/88)
Mike Hampton (jedi@clark), stationed in the Phillipines, asks about getting access to Compuserve from afar -- By far the easiest, and probably most effecient method is by using the data network of the Phillipines and connecting to Telenet here in the United States. The Telenet NUI, or Network User Identification is 3101. That is, from over there you would connect to the local node, and make connection to 03101xxxxxxxxx, where xxxxxxxxx is the nine digit network address on Telenet for Compuserve. If you are entitled to use the military data network for personal communications, you can probably do the same thing. Tell it to switch you into Telenet, 3101, and once on board, use whatever instructions CIS gives its subscribers to connect from Telenet. You are looking at a few extra dollars per hour of connect time, but it will be a real time connection. Not delayed and confused, as would be ARPA or UUCP, both of which [can] connect via circuitous gateways into/from MCI Mail to CIS. (03/30/88)
It has been my experience, that though CompuServe does have USENET acc they will not allow accessto the vidtex service which their own subscribers normally see. I discussed USENET access with their customer service reps - several of them (who seemed patently stupid...) and could not get through to them what USENET was or is. Nevertheless, they forwarded the suggestion. Don't get your hopes up, though. It's very unlikely that it will ever happen. John - DeBert CIS 75530,347 MCIMail 263-6614 Tlx 6502636614 (USA) snail P.O. Box 51754, Pacific Grove, CA, 93950-6754 (Karl Kleinpaste) (03/31/88) writes:
It has been my experience, that though CompuServe does have USENET acc
they will not allow accessto the vidtex service which their own subscribers
normally see.
I am sysop on CompuServe's UNIX Forum (volunteer; CompuServe does not
pay me). CompuServe does not have access to Usenet in any fashion. I
have been debating the creation of a mail gateway into/out of
CompuServe using my own account as the gate, but I have not yet
actually done anything about it. It shouldn't be tough, using some
relatively simple scripts and a pseudo-UUCP connection over a comm.
program contributed by one of the forum participants; there's just
been no time to implement the gate.
I discussed USENET access with their customer service reps - several of
them (who seemed patently stupid...) and could not get through to them what
USENET was or is. Nevertheless, they forwarded the suggestion.
When the UNIX Forum was created last summer, the Powers That Be
expressed concern (as distinct from interest, mind you) in what Usenet
was, primarily for legal reasons surrounding who is responsible for
what. I wrote a bunch of mail messages describing Usenet, its
anarchistic ways, the lack of legally-identifiable people, where news
comes from and goes to, what transport is used, and all that sort of
thing. Once they knew that they couldn't be attacked by the Thing
called Usenet, they were appeased...and promptly lost all memory of
it, as far as I can tell.
--Karl (03/31/88)
In article, my fellow Portalite and Chicagoan Patrick
Townson addresses Mike Hampton's question aboout accessing CompuServe
from the Philippines.
Telenet's NUI, I am nearly positive, is 3110, rather than 3101. Their
addresses on Telenet are 614227 and 202202, so their full address would
be [0?]3110614000227 or [0?]3110202000202. They are also accessible
through Tymnet (NUI 3106) with host usernames of cis01, cis02, cis03,
or simply compuserve: a connection to 3106,compuserve should get you
to CompuServe via Tymnet.
Telenet is probably a better choice because you can change ITI and X.3
parameters on line if necessary; with Tymnet whatever control characters
one inserts before the host username are irrevocable for the rest of
the session, and any not requested then cannot be called later.
David Tamkin (
joe@tekbspa.UUCP (Joe Angelo) (04/01/88)
in article <>, (Karl Kleinpaste) says: > In-reply-to:'s message of 30 Mar 88 09:45:53 GMT > > writes: > It has been my experience, that though CompuServe does have USENET acc > they will not allow accessto the vidtex service which their own subscribers > normally see. > > I am sysop on CompuServe's UNIX Forum (volunteer; CompuServe does not > pay me). CompuServe does not have access to Usenet in any fashion. > have been debating the creation of a mail gateway into/out of > CompuServe using my own account as the gate, but I have not yet > actually done anything about it. The last time I used CompuServer, you would get OK prompt just before ";;DNCJPB - Changing hosts" would pop up -- and every once in a while, you'd be placed in monitor with nothing but your TMP: device and jacct setting. The last time I logged onto CompuServer, an OK prompt was no place in site. The descriptive 'changing hosts' message was replaced by "Request Recorded, ten hours please" and DECWARS was replaced by MegaWars I, II, and III. If GumboSlupper still has the programming area, why not simply port the PD-UUCP to those great dec-10s and create a script? That'a way, EVERY and ANY Unix-one can have a CIS mail gateway... (Anyone remember <TK-0>?) -- "I'm trying Joe Angelo -- Senior Systems Engineer/Systems Manager to think at Teknekron Software Systems, Palo Alto 415-325-1025 but nothing happens!" uunet!tekbspa!joe -OR- tekbspa!