[comp.dcom.modems] Practical Peripherals PM2400SA

kls@ditka.UUCP (Karl Swartz) (04/15/88)

We just got several PM2400SA modems for the office; we'll
be using them for uucp as well as interactive dial{in,out}
on a Sun-3/160.

My question is, are they decent, or are they pond scum?
I know we bought them because we got a good price, and
rather doubt anybody thought about whether they'll work
or not.

Karl Swartz		|UUCP	decvax!formtek!ditka!kls
1-412/937-4930 office	|	{pitt,psuvax1}!idis!formtek!ditka!kls
			|BIX	kswartz
"I never let my schooling get in the way of my education."  (Twain)

David_W_Tamkin@cup.portal.com (04/18/88)

In article 237@ditka.UUCP, Karl Swartz asks for opinions about the PP2400SA.

I telecommunicate only for pleasure, but so far my PP2400SA has worked fine
for the four months I've had it.  (It comes with a five-year warranty.)
Some errors come in at 2400, but those may be the fault of the phone
connection or of my software.  At 1200 and 300 it performs flawlessly.


hutching@csri.toronto.edu (Steve Hutchings) (04/20/88)

Does anyone know who distributes/sells the  Practical Peripherals PM2400SA
modem? I have seen a number of articles posted about this modem, good and
not so good, and I wish to try this modem out on our system. Any experiences
and/or comments about this modem would be welcomed.  Thanks

jack@turnkey.TCC.COM (Jack F. Vogel) (04/21/88)

In article <4575@cup.portal.com> David_W_Tamkin@cup.portal.com writes:
>In article 237@ditka.UUCP, Karl Swartz asks for opinions about the PP2400SA.
>I telecommunicate only for pleasure, but so far my PP2400SA has worked fine
>for the four months I've had it.  (It comes with a five-year warranty.)

I don't doubt that for the average bbs user or for what David calls "pleasure"
type of telecommunications the Prac. Periph. modem will work out fine, but let
me relate our experience Karl and then make of it what you will.

For some time we had a single line with a Multitech 224E, a few months back we
added a second line and naturally trying to save money, we purchased a Prac.
Peripherals 2400SA. The system is quite busy and the Multitech has worked
flawlessly so when we bought the modem we expected 'plug in and go' type
performance. WRONG, the thing just didn't want to work right, more than half
the time it wouldn't even dial when uucico sent it data. Now I suppose it
would be possible to tweak this and modify that to perhaps get it to work a
scosh better, but I had neither the time or desire to do so, since things have
been so bullet-proof with Multitech. Needless to say, we returned the PP and
purchased another 224E, and as with the first, we plugged it in and it has been
as flawless as the first.

As I said, I am sure under certain circumstances the PP is an acceptable modem,
but if you run a system that is trafficking mail and news unattended 24hrs I
would highly recommend you avoid the temptation of cost and purchase what one
might call "an industrial strength" modem, not necessarily the 224E (this is
not another advertisement) but something in its class.

						Best of luck,

Jack F. Vogel
Turnkey Computer Consultants, Costa Mesa, CA
UUCP: ...{nosc|uunet}!turnkey!jack 
Internet: jack@turnkey.TCC.COM