[comp.dcom.modems] External 2400 baud hayes compatible modems for $139.

geoff@fernwood.mpk.ca.us (Geoff Goodfellow) (04/29/88)

from the pass a long a great buy department:

a local outfit is selling Supra 2400 baud hayes compatible modems for $139.
i bought mine about 2 months ago, and have been using it with uucp via a pc
with no problems.

the place: CompuCat, 24500 Glenn Highway, Los Gatos, CA  95030
you can order via voice from 10am-5pm M-F, data 6pm-9am at 408-353-1836 or
via data 24 hours (1200/2400 baud) at 408-353-4669.  they accept major credit
cards and ship via UPS.