[comp.dcom.modems] detecting NO DIAL TONE in HDB, Modem Control

jimmy@PIC.UCLA.EDU (05/09/88)

Is there some way to detect a "NO DIAL TONE" or "BUSY" using HDB.  My
TrailBlazer is smart enough to know these things, but HDB just sits
there until it times out.  I know this can be done with modemcap, but
what about with this ultra-modern UUCP?

Also, I am having trouble with modem control on incoming calls.  I want
to have my modem talk to my computer at 19200 and have CTS handle the
rest.  This works fine on outgoing, so I suspect my gettydef has a
problem.  Can anyone share a good gettydef entry?


...Jim Gottlieb  <jimmy@PIC.UCLA.EDU>  or  <jimmy@denwa.UUCP>

howardl@wb3ffv.UUCP (Howard Leadmon ) (05/11/88)

In article <12104@shemp.CS.UCLA.EDU>, jimmy@PIC.UCLA.EDU writes:
> Is there some way to detect a "NO DIAL TONE" or "BUSY" using HDB.  My
> TrailBlazer is smart enough to know these things, but HDB just sits
> there until it times out.  I know this can be done with modemcap, but
> what about with this ultra-modern UUCP?

  YES YES YES, that would be a most useful feature if there is a way to 
do it. If anybody knows how to make HDB UUCP respect the various responses
from todays smart modems (I have several HAYES 2400's and several Telebit
Trailblazer Plus's), PLEASE Email me the information, or post to the net
as you see fit...

UUCP/SMTP : howardl@wb3ffv		|	Howard D. Leadmon
PACKET    : wb3ffv@w3itm-9		|	Fast Computer Service, Inc.
IP Address:			|	P.O. Box  171 
Telephone : (301)-335-2206		|	Chase, MD  21027-0171

csg@pyramid.pyramid.com (Carl S. Gutekunst) (05/12/88)

In article <12104@shemp.CS.UCLA.EDU> jimmy@PIC.UCLA.EDU (Jim Gottlieb) writes:
>Is there some way to detect a "NO DIAL TONE" or "BUSY" using HDB.

As far as I know, you can't. The only UUCP version I am aware of that does
*totally* general call progress monitoring is the new 4.3BSD version that Rick
Adams and I are torturing. (Hey Bob, have you tried compiling that puppy yet?)
It's rather difficult to do in anything less complex than C code; try making it
work with a dozen different Hayes compatibles and you'll see what I mean. But
it sure is nice seeing BUSY, VOICE, NO DIAL TONE, etc. in my LOGFILE.

C'mon Peter, we're waiting for you to say something. :-)


rroot@edm.UUCP (uucp) (05/13/88)

From article <22891@pyramid.pyramid.com>, by csg@pyramid.pyramid.com (Carl S. Gutekunst):
> In article <12104@shemp.CS.UCLA.EDU> jimmy@PIC.UCLA.EDU (Jim Gottlieb) writes:
>>Is there some way to detect a "NO DIAL TONE" or "BUSY" using HDB.
> As far as I know, you can't. The only UUCP version I am aware of that does
> *totally* general call progress monitoring is the new 4.3BSD version that Rick
> Adams and I are torturing. [. . .]; try making it
> work with a dozen different Hayes compatibles and you'll see what I mean. But
 I actually liked the 'modemcap' file that came with the Convergent Tech
miniframe. The things it was missing (in decreasing importance) were:
 1) The ability to flush the input buffer.
 2) The ability to branch Backwards (with a loop limit counter)
 3) The ability to change baud rate.
 4) The ability to change the timeout interval.
 5) Branching labels.

   With all of those abilities, it would have been GREAT, since, it could then
handle almost ANY modem.
 Stephen Samuel 
  or userzxcv@uqv-mts.bitnet

zeeff@b-tech.UUCP (Jon Zeeff) (05/14/88)

Someone wrote some very flexible script driven dial() routines that were the
most flexible things I've seen for uucp.  It allowed you to jump to various
states depending on what the modem response was.  As I recall, the code was
PD, and so could be put into HDB.

Jon Zeeff           		Branch Technology,
uunet!umix!b-tech!zeeff  	zeeff%b-tech.uucp@umix.cc.umich.edu